A forged invoice corresponding to 465.625 crowns strain on both Morten Messerschmidt and DF-the profile’s closest adviser over the years in the european Parliament, Kristian Wederkinck Olesen.

It appears of the confidential information as the EU’s antisvindelkontor, Olaf has sent to the fraud squad.

Then, Sign-chairman, Morten Messerschmidt and Wederkinck are both beneficiaries of the fake bill, which is supposed to be issued by the well-known Danish lobbying, Primetime Communications.

’According to the company Primetimes of legal management is the invoice crafted,’ writes svindeljægerne from Olaf in the papers, as the Extra Leaf is in the possession of. That is a totally false document.

the Danish policy – 4. dec. 2019 – at. 07:18 the european UNION-bomb under the Tulle: DF made fake hotel contracts
The fake invoice is found in the context of the Olaf investigation of the Sign and Feld case among the annex to an ad campaign on social dumping. It was carried out by the Danish people’s Party 15.-23. april 2015, and paid for with the money from the scandal hit partialliance, Sign and fund Feld.

the european Parliament has since held that the Sign and Feld in breach of EU rules used well 952.000 pounds in the DF campaign.

(the Article continues under the documentation)

The fake bill of 62.500 euros including vat, lacking both Primetimes logo, are not equipped with the invoice number and Amagerbrogade is spelled wrong.
Mysterious emergence
Officially, it was two copenhagen-based companies, which together won the order. EU documents show that the DF’s campaign against social dumping in the EU was conducted by Holm Communication and media-buying agency Carat Denmark in the community.

Therefore wonder why the EU svindeljægere that a forged bill of almost half a million dollars from the Primetime Communications – for the exact same ad campaign – are popping up in the investigation of the tvangslukkede Sign and Feld.

the Extra Leaf has submitted the document for Primetimes management. Here reject you any knowledge of both the amount, task and invoice.

– We can clearly say that we have neither performed the task, received the amount specified, prepared, or sent this invoice, which incidentally contains a number of obvious deficiencies in relation to the way we normally bill on.

– In other words, this is a false invoice, of which we nothing know. It, we have informed SØIK (fraud squad), as the matter now lies with, and hopefully you will come here to the bottom of the case, says Primetime-director, Casper Hyldekvist.


Insider behind the fake bill

More information in the bogus invoice for an ad campaign, issued in Primetimes name indicates that the document is crafted by an insider from the scandal hit partialliance Sign, the corresponding fund Feld or the Danish people’s Party.

Primetimes director Casper Hyldekvist stands – with the correct contact data – as the sender of the fake document. As recipients are both former member of the EUROPEAN parliament and of the Meld-president, mr Morten Messerschmidt (DF), as well as his friend and former spin doctor, Kristian Wederkinck Olesen.

the past has revealed the paid Sign – in breach of EU rules – in december 2014 for media training to several of the DF’s leader with just Primetime in Copenhagen. The payment was 88.000 dollars. Therefore, had the people in the Melds inner circle access to the Primetimes correct bank details, as evidenced by the fake account. However, there has crept a simple spelling check.

gave Primetime an offer to Enter into a completely different ad campaign for the DF. Here, it appeared that the Primetime for the work should have a remuneration (fee) of 6000 euro.

the Primetime won the task – but the so-called fee of 6000 euros – is repeated exactly on the fake invoice. Total runs the amount up in 62.500 euro (€50,000 plus vat), which, according to the manufactured invoice has been spent on ads in the Danish media and on Facebook.

(the Article continues under the documentation)

the Amount of exact 62.500 euro often appears in documents from the investigation of the Sign and Feld.

is issued 30. march 2015 – with the deadline just ten days later 9. april. Standard at Primetime is at least 30 days credit.

the crafted bill is not applied to an invoice number.

the Extra Leaf has seen examples of how the Primetime usually are billing their customers. Secondly, the firm’s bills provided with the logo and the invoice number – and secondly because it is not the executive director, Casper Hyldekvist, who is the person who emits the bills to the customers.


Advisor: I am not an idiot Morten Messerschmidts former adviser Kristian Wederkinck (th) will not be known by the document.

Neither Morten Messerschmidt, who was a Sign-the president, as the fake Primetime-bill was crafted, party chairman Kristian Thulesen Dahl or other from the DF will be interviewed about the case.

DF-profile former toprådgiver, Kristian Wederkinck, is also listed as a recipient. But he denies any knowledge of regningens origin.

– I’ve got the handle by the police. I have asked for digital traces on the document, and if the money is paid out. And I have asked the police to call Sign and Feld secretary-general to ask him about how the invoice is ended on Melds office, says Kristian Wederkinck.

the Invoice indicates a insiderjob. Performed by one who has known for Primetimes bank details and previous contact with the Meld?

– I have no idea where it comes from. I have asked the police to check the summary tab to see who the hell who has made it. Someone must have sent it in the mail. But not to me. And I have not sent it.

Have you spoken with Messerschmidt on it?

– Yes. I have asked whether it is him, who has sent it. It he rejects.

the Invoice amount, including vat, corresponds exactly to 62.500 euro. The amount will go again in many places. Bl.a. second on a list, as DF published in October 2016, and in a note from the EU parliament?

– I must be you answer guilty. So it must be something DF has found out. Or also something Morten at. Or the secretary-general. I have not made it. I’m not an idiot.

In a text response informs the DF’s head of press: ’We are aware that the authorities have such an invoice, but do not know from where it originated. It is not seen to be paid, why in each case not used EU funds to cover the expense!’

(the Article continues below the document)

the Amount of the exact 62.500 euro yesterday – possibly at random – again in several documents in the case of Sign and Feld. Here, the european UNION reaffirms parliament, to kampagnepenge is used in violation of the rules.


Attorney: Very serious case of A forged bill of almost half a million dollars for this DF-campaign has surfaced in the investigation of the Sign and Feld.

– It is a worrying and very serious matter, reads it, evaluates the partner Erbil Kaya in the law firm of the same name, who specialize in forgery.

– If it is to be believed, that has not been issued such an invoice, in fact – and this is it, the right of the issuer categorically say – so, is this an example of a forgery, says Erbil Kaya.

the Lawyer considers, however, that the case may prove to be even more serious.

– The next, I will say, is that here we immediately have to do with anything where someone has wanted to try to disappoint in a relationship, as it is called. And so can bedrageribestemmelsen very quickly get in over, say, Erbil Kaya.

– It is a very usual construction to see a forgery plus a fraud together. The two things often accompany each other, when it has to do with economic crime. Because dokumentforfalskningen as serving a purpose, explains Erbil Kaya.

Sign & Feld

The european partialliance Meld and the related fund, Feld was in 2015 tvangsopløst because of the abuse of EU funds.

Former EU-politician Morten Messerschmidt (DF) was chairman, and fellow party member Anders Vistisen was a cashier at the Sign.

According to the EU’s antisvindelkontor, members have committed deception in order to achieve an undue gain to the detriment of the European Parliament’s economic interests.

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the Danish policy – 4. dec. 2019 – at. 14:13 Fake DF-signatures sent to the fraud squad