The u.s. influencer Meagan Whitson had only a few thousand followers on his Instagram @metaphysicalmeagan.

But after that Meaghan has put an extremely nøgenbillede of themselves on Instagram, is følgerskaren now almost completely up to 30,000. Meagan put a picture out, where she lies naked on a rock and basking his anus. The picture was first posted the 21. October. But it is only within the last three weeks, to the strange image has spread across the world.

It writes multiple media including Rolling Stone and Business Insider

To the image, lists Meagan Whitson a wide range of therapeutic benefits to sole his anus and write, among other things:

’30 seconds of sunlight on your anushul is equivalent to a full day of sunlight with clothes on’.

the article continues under the picture

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Perineum Sunning For the past few weeks have included sunning my bum & yoni into my daily rising routine. Many of you have been asking about the benefits of this practice: 30 seconds of sunlight on your butthole is the equivalent of a full day of sunlight with your clothes on!? Taught by @ra_of_earth & @certifiedhealthnut (This is an ancient Taoist practice that’s been around for a while!) Things I’ve noticed personally In my reality since I’ve implemented this: dimensions in millimetres! of energy almost immediately! Better Sleep Better connection to my Sexual energy & control of my Life ForceSo much Creativity flowing through my life!!Attracting my desires & intentions with ease. Attracting soul tribe & people who are on the same frequency and wavelength as me. I’m spending a maximum of 5 minutes in the morning doing this. @ra_of_earth teaches that 30 seconds is more than enough sunshine exposure down there! This is truly more energizing than slamming cups of coffee and is a great alternative to consuming neurotoxic coffee & caffeine that can disrupt your adrenal gland health.This is such a simple game changing practice!! Try it out & let me know your experienceYou can do this any time the sun is out… I prefer early in the morning! #NakedInNature

A lookup shared of Metaphysical Meagan (@metaphysicalmeagan) the

According to Meagan, the method is a part of chinese spiritual philosophy of taoism. She claims that the anus-sunbathing gives her increased energy and greater sexual desire and improved sleep.

‘You get a lot more energy than by drinking several cups of coffee,” says Meagan.

Experts, however, disagree with Meagans method. Business Insider tells the doctor Diana Gall:

– There is no evidence that the kind of sunbathing has any effect on the physical well-being. It is true that mindfuldness and meditation, as well as extra doses of vitamin D is good for both the mental and physical health. But so you don’t need to destroy her skin by sunbathing just that, explains Diana Gall, and adds that they increase the risk of getting skin cancer by exposing your skin as directly to the sun.

another expert, Shamir Patel, tells Business Insider that vitamin D is important for the skeleton, teeth and muscles. But he believes that there are much more effective methods than to expose his perineum to sunlight. He also believe that there are therapeutic benefits of Meagans method.

She recommends only 30 seconds of sunbathing by the of the anus. But if you expose the area for sunbathing for a longer period it can be harmful. I recommend rather a long walk in the sun. It is more effective, if you need more D-vitamins.

Megan was also recently a different picture out on his Instagram, where she is sunning his butt.

the article continues under the picture

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In the know OF the TRIGGER the f*%# out of people! Since I was a young child, just my more existence and BEING has triggered a lot in others. This is actually one of my favorite things about me. Welcome, if you’re new to my page! If you’re here, I’ve attracted you through the expression of my authentic self.In the trigger people into growth through the embodiment of my true self?This is exactly why you forward all my posts and talk to others about how eccentric and weird you think I am. Of stopped caring what anyone else thought or said about me years ago. In invite you to choose to do the same. Uncomfortable with my words, my expression, my confidence, my relationship with sexuality, or my nudity? Perfect! This is an opportunity to look to where you may not be in the fullest expression of your authentic self. In trigger people to remember their inherent Divinity and to start the self healing process from within.Growth isn’t always comfortable?As for me, I’ll keep expressing and embodying my Highest self.The red pill awaits those willing to do the inner work (#EscapeTheMatrix) #RememberYourDivinity #Triggered #SelfHealing

A lookup shared of Metaphysical Meagan (@metaphysicalmeagan) the

the american magazine Rolling Stone tells the gynecologist and teacher at the Yale School of Medicine, Mary Jane Minkin the following method:

– the Area around the anus has millions of bacteria. But no amounts of sunlight will kill them(and we want not necessarily that they are being killed), because many of us are living in good harmony with our mikrobiom.(the ecological society of micro-organisms – red), says Mary Jane Minkin, and adds:

the Sunlight in the area may on the contrary be potentially dangerous. Just that tissues are some of the most sensitive tissues on the body. So why would you do something that can trigger an allergic reaction, says Mary Jane Minkin.

Meagan has also posted an article from the New York Post on her Facebook, where a picture can see two men, there are also basking in their anus while they are with spread legs.

For the lookup, writes Meaghan the following:

‘this is How it looks when you go viral to be your own strange authentic person’