Only two days before a big conference on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Nato should take place, it has been cancelled.

It happens because the UNITED states ambassador in Denmark, Carla Sands, has vetoed the american scientist and Nato-expert Stanley sloan’s participation.

He has been critical of president Donald Trump.

But with the decision to exclude Stanley Sloan of the conference has Carla Sands created a bad case for themselves.

Such is the assessment from Kristian Mouritzen, which is the security correspondent at Berlingske.

According to Mouritzen is that in Washington, the rumors that Donald Trump is systematically trying to shut the mouth of critics in both the UNITED states and abroad.

With Stanley sloan’s exclusion, there is now a smoking gun, believes Kristian Mouritzen.

– the Case shows that there actually is a censorship on the us embassy, he says, and compare it with how Trump also has excluded critical journalists from press conferences.

It is the organizer behind the conference, the think tank Atlantsammenslutningen, which has taken the decision to cancel. The UNITED states embassy was the co-organizer.

– Carla Sands, forcing the Atlantsammenslutningen to cancel. It should the embassy have foreseen, says Kristian Mouritzen.

– When you already have a president who is so divisive, so one must be cautious to balance what is sensible to do, and what is not sensible, he says.

Also, Politikens udlandsredaktør, Michael Jarlner, estimates that Carla Sands has created a bad case for themselves.

– This is completely unheard of. The type of intervention I want to connect with a completely different type of regime’s embassy, and not the american, who previously has been responsible for the creation of spaces for independent and free research, says Michael Jarlner to Politiken.

In a press release, says secretary-general in Atlantsammenslutningen Lars Bangert Struwe, to the exclusion of Sloan is the embassy’s decision.

– We have all the time known that Stanley Sloan has a critical approach to president Donald Trump. It is no secret. However, we have never been in doubt that Stanley Sloan at our conference would provide a non-partisan and objectively in the post, he says.

The u.s. embassy expresses in a written comment annoyance over the cancellation.

the Embassy stresses, by the same token, to support freedom of expression. Stanley sloan’s criticism of Donald Trump, are not mentioned.

– Stanley sloan’s proposed inkluderen at the last minute did not follow the same process of joint decision-making and consensus as we did when we chose other speakers, writes the american embassy.