Christmas is the christmas party, and for the 76-year-old Johnny Reimer, this means that he uses the feast to gather in and share out.

Here he thinks not only of money, but just as much on the love that christmas brings with itself.

it has done something by him to get the title as great-grandfather. Not because he is in a more mushy because of it, he has always been, the depositor he is, but it touches him to see his granddaughter be a mother.

– It is a great gift to be great-grandfather. But also very special, when so many generations are gathered in a room, as they are for christmas. I am very glad that I get to experience, ” says Jonny Reimar.

His grandson Filis Cramer Necip has provided him with two great-grandchildren, and it would extremely grateful.

– It does something to see the small ones, who are the youngest in the family hierarchy. They run with all the attention, says the popular singer.

From family-love to charity, so has Johnny Reimar year after year done the same to help those who most need it most.

He helps, among other things the Salvation Army to hand out the julehjælp. But he is also obliged to provide assistance via a ridderordning, as he is a member of the Malteseridderne, which stands for charitable purposes. But he also has his own sidegesjæft:

I collect all my coins together every day. And the pile of donate I to the homeless in Elsinore. I do what I can here at christmas, he says.

this year, christmas is celebrated in the daughter, Lotte Reimar, who lives two houses from him and his wife Annie. Christmas goes on switching between Lotte and the oldest son, Lars. It is lovely, when the children stand for the christmas feast, but it also has a small ‘certainly left no serius stains’:

– There are never any leftovers, as we may sip of my wife and I. Therefore, we make sure to buy an extra and more, as we can eat for the day after, laughing admits Reimar.

Blue book Johnny Reimar76 årdansk singer, guitarist, producer, lyricist and tv-værtGift with Annie at 52. year. Together, they have kids, Lotte 51, Lars 49, Mikkel, 47, and efternøleren Mads at 39.Have six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Christmas for Johnny Reimar, however, has not always been a cornucopia. He recalls one year when his parents had forgotten a christmas package from his aunt.

So I sat there and got a long nose. It would then prove that it was smoked completely at the rear of the skabshylden. It discovered my parents the first christmas after.

Johnny Reimars aunts have more or less been småleverandører of drama. There was also the christmas that was held with her aunt in Kumla in Sweden. Here may the little Johnny Reimar flee for his own life, he says. Right up until someone threw the christmas tree, on which there was fire, out of the window.

Then there were the candles on the christmas tree. Then it went suddenly up in flames. We were all very afraid, so it ended up that the christmas tree smoke out of the window. It was the Swedish modes, laughs Johnny Reimar.

What has been the absolute best christmas gift you ever got?

– It should probably be my youngest son, Mads. He did not come to the world on christmas eve, but he is born 6.January, so it’s a little late christmas gift I got. But it was all time, says Johnny Reimar.

12. years brings together Danish people’s aid and the Additional Leaf to the single forsørgeres christmas eve. More than 14,000 have been looking for in years

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the Collection to Julehjælpen runs until 20. december 2019, and all the money collected goes to the Julehjælpen.