Four years of exclusion from the major sporting events are either an actual exclusion or a penalty.

It takes the american doping investigator Jack Robertson, who is appalled at the consequence, it gets to Russia in the years have put the doping in the system and subsequently have blurred the facts by means of systematic data manipulation.

WADA, the world anti-doping agency, has excluded Russia in four years from major sporting events, but continues to allow Russian athletes to participate in international rallies, if it can be proven that they are not involved in the certified public deception.

Rather than being a watchdog in the antidopingens service is WADA now a Russian lapdog, says Robertson.

He considers that a complete exclusion of Russia is the only sanction, the russians will be able to understand. At the same time, only a total exclusion could preserve antidopingsystemets credibility, believes Robertson.

despite all the endless, inflated threats about the serious consequences of the WADA once again proven, that the agency does not have the necessary desire or the necessary strength to fulfill its role as a watchdog for clean athletes, ” says Jack Robertson to ITV News.

– Let me make it clear: The most recent decision relating to Russia is neither an exclusion or a penalty.

I consider no longer just WADA’s leaders to be cowards, but also to be unmistakably and deliberately biased, ” says Jack Robertson.

Robertson has been the chief investigator of the WADA and has also worked for the u.s. anti-doping agency, USADA, which felled cyclist Lance Armstrong in 2012. He was also one of the investigators who interrogated Michael Rasmussen, when he in 2013 went to confession.

Robertson gave up his office in 2016 in the WADA and has since been a vocal critic of the agency. He has called it a ‘betrayal against clean athletes’ to allow Russia to take part in international sporting events and already spoke up for the OLYMPICS in Rio for a total exclusion of Russia.

Also not in this game he has the confidence that it is possible to sort out the pure russians from the doped, and he believes, therefore, that the whole nation must pay the price for the fraud, he has been with to uncover.

– No athlete, nor Russian, can prove that he or she is clean. With Russia’s dopinghistorik in mind, we will once again see clean athletes compete with doped russians on the olympic second best teams, says Jack Robertson.

– Clean athletes and the olympic ideals have earned better than that, WADA offers, he says.

In the Anti-Doping Denmark to Robertson’s intransigence is not as a surprise. It is a known fact that Robertson and USADA are very strong advocates of a total exclusion of Russia, says director Michael Ask.

– I am of the view that there should be the possibility that Russian athletes can get a waiver under special circumstances. But it must be the exception to the rule, says Ash.

– What will be the big litmus test now is whether the WADA puts some stringent and transparent criteria for how and under what concrete conditions of the Russian athletes can make up under a neutral flag, says Michael Ask.

See also: Analyst: ‘Pure’ russians have nothing to fear

See also: Danish minister responds to scandal

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