The current attorney-general-agreement between the state and the private law firm Poul Schmith shall be made, and it can not go fast enough, believe the Liberal party Preben Bang Henriksen, who himself is a lawyer and chairman of the Committee on legal affairs.

– the Agreement to be torn in pieces, and the state must be able to freely choose among the country’s lawyers. Longer is not, he says to Ekstra Bladet and elaborates:

– There should be no agreement with a specific private company. The system is also not other places in the world. The state must in every case assess the lawyer that is best, based on price and qualifications, he says.

See also: Lawyers score 172 million of bank failures

the System goes short, out of that state as the starting point using only the Attorney general, when to be granted legal aid. The state’s purchase of services on the basis of the scheme in 2018 was 480 million. kr, which is a doubling compared to 2009.

At the SF looks spokesman Karina Lorentzen like that there are two kammeradvokater.

– we see We like that the area is distributed on two providers. Many more are probably not realistic, since there occurs habilitetsproblemer. But I’m open for good solutions to how we break Kammeradvokatens monopoly.

the Attorney, also known as the law firm Poul Schmith, is a privately owned law firm which since 1936 has been the state’s permanent lawyer.

In 2015 entered a new Kammeradvokataftale in force, as bl.a. should provide greater transparency in the settlement with the state and open the door for other law firms.

Just now they negotiated a new agreement about pristaksterne. It is expected that countries in the beginning of January, informs Moderniseringsstyrelsen.

But the basic agreement can only be terminated, if the politicians do it. There is also a notice period of one year.

the State bought in the year 2018, the services of the Attorney for 480 million. kr. This is an increase of € 239 million. kr. since 2009.

the ministry of Taxation is the single largest customer.

Also the spokesman for the party, Rosa Lund will have changed on the system without, however, to come up with a concrete proposal.

– unfortunately, We have been able to see, that the agreement has been very favorable for the Attorney general, which really has been able to download a lot of money into it here.

the DF is ‘very open’ to look at the scheme. For spokesman Peter Skaarup, it is important to ensure a good price and the capacity’.

the Discussion of the scheme with the Attorney-general has been in existence for many years, but has flared up again, after the Danish business recently called for, that it was terminating the agreement within 1. January, as there is a year of termination.

the Agreement between the Attorney general and the state falls under Moderniseringsstyrelsen. And it is, therefore, the finance minister, Nicolai Wammen, who must stand for to modify the scheme, if it is to become a reality.

He will not put up for interview on the matter, but in a written answer he said:

‘The recently signed finanslovsaftale contains, among other things, a significant reduction of the state expenses for consultants, so we can use the money better to develop our common welfare. Similarly, the government will be very aware of whether we use that tax money can buy right when it comes to legal consultancy.’

It has not been possible for the Extra Leaf to get a concrete answer on whether the minister of finance will alter the system.

Managing partner at the Attorney general Tomas Ilsøe Andersen believes, not surprisingly, that there are more good things for the state of the system.

– the Scheme has a number of advantages, such as the ministry of Finance has identified in a large analysis in 2012, and the Committee on legal affairs in 2013 agreed, including the price economy of scale, the unconditional capacity and legal certainty. These benefits are also the basis for the current deal from 2015. If you no longer want the benefits, you can always make the agreement, he says.