the Negotiations at the UN climate talks COP25 in Madrid still stands marking time before Friday’s spurt.

the Seriousness of the climate crisis and the popular demonstrations across the globe is not penetrated into forhandlingslokalerne. It says climate and energy minister, Dan Jørgensen (S), and the Danish ngos from Madrid.

on Friday, going the two weeks long meeting in the last day, but the list of unresolved issues is long.

– It goes too slowly, says Dan Jørgensen.

– There is a huge mismatch between what is happening out in the world among companies, ngos and civil society in the whole, and so it is going on here.

– It is a paradox, when companies, which before was among the biggest polluters, now seems to be more ambitious than the UN’s climate change process.

the Minister, however, welcomes the many positive reactions to the political agreement on a Danish klimalov and the target to cut 70 percent of CO2 emissions in 2030.

– Many of my colleagues say, they can use it domestically to get more ambitious climate change goals, says Dan Jørgensen.

It goes especially bad with the negotiations on the mechanism of “loss and damage” loss and damage. The need to compensate developing countries for climatic disasters, they do not themselves have helped to create – such as floods, drought or hurricanes.

– Especially the poorest of the poor countries think that the rich countries have not delivered enough. And they are rightly so.

– From Denmark we will increase aid to the least developed countries from 150 to 210 million next year to signal that we think they have the right, says Dan Jørgensen.

He acknowledges that it is only a corner of the entire climate finance to developing countries at $ 100 billion annually from 2020, as rich countries in 2010 promised to provide.

the Negotiations on the COP25 on the new rules for accounting and trading in CO2 quotas can completely undermine the desire of the Paris agreement on higher ambition. It fears Troels Dam Christensen from the Danish 92-group.

– the Risk is that you get a deal on market mechanisms, providing the opportunity to transfer old allowances, and to count the allowances double. If you open to buying from all of this with the questionable allowances, it is absurd.

Klimarådgiver John Nordbo in Care Denmark believes that the EU is hiding behind the US when it comes to loss and damage in developing countries. The UNITED states is leaving the Paris agreement, but a participant at the Madrid meeting for the last time.

– The most disappointing so far is that we haven’t seen just a minimal willingness from the EU side on the moneymaking legitimate requests, he says.

Mattias Söderberg from danchurchaid call it very worrying, if you do not get a proper agreement on loss and damage.

– If the rich countries do not recognise that it is a real problem when klimakatastrofen affects the poorest countries, it is a provocation, ” he says.

the UN climate change conference COP25 with about 20,000 participants ending after the plan Friday afternoon, the 13. december in the Spanish capital, Madrid.

Observers expect, however, that the meeting goes over time.

COP25 to complete the complicated set of rules for the Paris agreement of 2015, and pave the way for tougher climate targets of countries in the world in 2020.

in the course of 2019, issued a series of extremely gloomy reports about the planet and the state of the climate.

Read more:

* the UN’s climate panel, the IPCC, warns about risk of rise in sea levels of over one metre in 2100, and stresses the need for immediate action.

* united nations environment Programme (Unep) states that the world must increase the area of climate action, if we are to keep global warming at 1.5 degrees.

* Each year forward to 2030, CO2 emissions will fall to 7.6 percent. Right now it grows around 1.5 percent annually.

* the Goal in the Paris agreement is to limit global warming to 1.5-2 degrees from the førindustrielt level. But the globe has already become one degree warmer.

* On the COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland in 2020, countries must provide more stringent climate targets. It is voluntary, how much each country pays in.

Source: UN Klimasekretariat (UNFCCC); the UN intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC).