Rasmus put the house for when the family in the years to keep christmas. Together with her boyfriend Julie Teglhus and the son William there is laid up for quite a traditional christmas – just like the popular singer most like will have it.

How should you celebrate christmas?

– In the years keeps Julie, Robert and I christmas at home with us even in our new house. It goes on tour, and this year it is so with us. I think we will be 14 people in total.

– We usually meet fairly early, so the children when to get a really nice day and not too tired. It is the whole day, which is nice, and not only the evening, when you sit down to dinner.

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do you Have any special traditions?

– Although we are a musical family, so will not be competed in the singing around the christmas tree. We just go around and singing and enjoying ourselves. It is very traditional.

– Second day of christmas we are always at your christmas party with uncle Otto, and there is a tradition that there must be futtog through the apartment, when we sing ‘Now is it christmas again’. It lasts long, and it becomes quite vehemently, for we are around 25-30 people. But the kids love it. Drunk part snaps, so people are a little bims.

– do not make too much about on christmas, I think. It must be, as it used to be. We eat both duck and roast pork, and although I think that the roast pork is a little dry cut, so must the like just to be on the table. Sometimes we try to experiment with a new extra right, but it is always the traditional, the smoking first.

What is your best juleminde?

Christmas was always so magical when I was a child. I loved to get up early christmas morning and waking my siblings and say: ‘now is the time! It’s christmas!’. Regardless of when you woke up, was there one or the other juletegnefilm in the television. The entire atmosphere of joy and anticipation was so crazy.

What has been the worst christmas?

– I had a really high fever a year, when I was a child. It was so annoying to be hit by the flu right there. I could not eat anything, otherwise I had been looking forward to throughout the year.

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What do you want in gift?

– I want a lot of cool things for the kitchen. It is always what I want, for there is always one or another gizmo, I like me. I love to go in Illums Bolighus and look at all the things I’m missing.

When the lowers julefreden themselves?

– It makes it quite early. Just as soon as it starts to get dark and people turn on christmas lights around, so there must actually not more to. I love to come in from the cold to the atmosphere of warmth and coziness.

– In the years I have fortunately pretty good time to enjoy myself and relax and just enjoy it. And Holger has a bold age, he understands christmas a lot better, and it makes it extra fun.

the Rasmus is right now current with jubilæumsalbummet ‘Thanks for the ride’. By tradition, he may the next year be experienced live at two community concerts in Copenhagen, denmark, 20. June and in Aarhus on the 15. august.