Anne Sofie Espersen was earlier this year diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the nervous system.

See also: Affected by chronic illness

the Actress, who is the sister of the former minister Lene Espersen, used the subsequent time to process the news with family and friends, until she recently stood up and told publicly about it on his blog.

Since it is overthrown with positive inquiries to the 46-year-old Anne Sofie Espersen, who in a new blog post sends a thank you to all the many people who have contacted her.

‘It is simply so overwhelming to receive your greetings here on the blog. I am deeply moved by the love and sense of community, as our little ‘club’ includes’, she writes in the post, which continues:

‘As-new with the diagnosis, it is more than I could dream to be greeted by SO many participating, sweet and encouraging voices. And so I’m actually quite impressed with all the knowledge you have. Fat that we can share,’ she says.

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Anne Sofie Espersen shared the blog post about the disease 29. november, where she had known the diagnosis in a little more than half a year.

‘My life crashed in the month of april, when I after heavy følelsesforstyrrelser was diagnosed with a disease, I virtually nothing is known. I sat down with a calendar, which was completely tilplastret, had just completed a long engagement at a theatre and had already started with my next job. Suddenly stopped my life in a second. Or how it felt, for when the doctor came in for his rounds and made sure that I discreetly was run in the act before she could speak with me, it was because she was supposed to convey anything other than good news’, she wrote frankly in the post, and continued:

‘A tough judgment to make, but also a relief for me, because I had long had a feeling that something is not quite as it should be’.

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After a longer period of time with the clearing, where she in periods had it so bad that she had difficulty in walking, she is now in treatment for the disease, which she expects to be able to live a basically normal life with. Therefore, she could also implement the whole tour with ‘City Singles’ earlier in the year.

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with Anne Sofie Espersen, who reports that she currently only wants to communicate through the blog.