the Sif and Mathias, who was well known in the latest season of ‘the Settlers’ on TV2, recently became parents for the first time since they welcomed a healthy baby boy welcome to the world.

by then they had for several years struggled for that Sif would become pregnant. The plan was, however, far from according to plan, and Sif has as a consequence been through several miscarriages.

Just the spontaneous abortions have the Sif and He several times told openly about – most recently in a touching posting on Sifs Instagram profile, which you can read below:

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Here are just a small postcard from snelandskabet from me and my little son?? He is too shy to show his dear, sweet head on IG, BUT we would like the heart to say thank you for all the love and crossed fingers from you, as @alanyaboy3 and I stood on the other side of the forældreskabet! . And speaking of it – as a loving christmas greeting to all of you who are struggling in one way or another, to have children: I wish you the best in the world, and hope that our story can send you a little hope! . As I wrote in a previous posting, after we took part in Go’ Morgen P3, in order to put a new slant on the otherwise very tabuiserede topic: involuntary graviditetstab, so it can penetrate to a small call out: “Abortions for me, you, your neighbor, your doctor, your hairdresser, your colleague, your friend, your cousin. Up to 30% of all pregnancies end with a spontaneous abortion, and almost every other couple experiencing a pregnancy that goes to…but why does it feel so SO wrong and SO lonely? We have even tried to get the children in 2.5 years, and I have miscarried 4 times. These details were cut off and never came on TV when we were open about it in the Settlers. Therefore, I thanked yes, then Go’ morning P3 invited us into the studio. I think namely it is sad to see how tabuiseret spontaneous abortions is. Mathias is the doctor, all the statistics and have time and again tried to comfort me with that it also, unfortunately, is usually to miscarriage, and it is far from due to the fact that there is something wrong. Nevertheless, it was only then I even opened up and I met others with similar stories, that I found peace. For it turns out that most who experience one, two or many miscarriages, before or since gets a, two or more children. It gave me HOPE and that is exactly the HOPE that is needed when the dreams are bursting!” . #duerikkealene #detlykkesogsåfordig @gomorgenp3 #spontaneaborter #ufrivilliggraviditetstab Listen to @medecine.mediator Podcast episode 3; Early pregnancy – the concern of losing

A post shared by the Settlers – Sif S. Grandorf (@lesifre_design) the

In connection with precisely the lookup is indretningseksperten Mette Helena Rasmussen, who is known as the judge, in the same program, gone to the keys, and in the commentary track, she talks honestly, she has experienced the grief of going through a spontaneous abortion.

I was struck by the Sifs history, and I could recognize it here with, that you do not imagine that it happens even when one is pregnant, ” she says, and explains further on the walk, she even lost her unborn child.

– My then girlfriend and I had long dreamed of having children. We threw us out quickly in it, and I was pregnant, and we were pleased to completely game. 22. december I was on the way to the christmas holidays in the Reputation with my parents, and on the way there I started to bleed, says Mette Helena, who at the time was in 12. week of her pregnancy.

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Mette Helena arrived at the Reputation, she took along with her mother directly to the hospital to be checked.

– I was scanned, and the midwife said it was weird, but that I was not pregnant any more – that it had gone to the bottom, but that my body had ejected the fetus, so I had to have a curettage.

The message hit Mette Helena very hard.

– It was as if my body had cheated, but also that I had cheated. I felt suddenly that I could not trust myself, because I had gone and said that I was pregnant. I was simply so upset about it, and the night before christmas eve should I use to get made it here curettage, which took place in the gynaecology department, where there was a lot of new families and small children in light blue, and pink all over. It was very, very sad to be there and have lost, when you had looked forward to becoming a mother. It was a very sad christmas.

Mette Helena is among other things known from ‘the Settlers’ and ‘Flea Deluxe. Photo: Emma Sejersen

– How to prepared you the grief that you experienced when you went through this spontaneous abortion?

– I went to the psychologist, and it was something I talked with my family and friends. The more I talked about it, the more it dawned on me that there are many others who have tried it, and that there was something wrong with me, and that I could become a mother. It gave hope, ” she says, and continues:

– simply, I was so sorry, and I just wanted to be pregnant again. I was so empty and desolate, and the only thing that worked for me was if I was pregnant again, and in fact, it went so quickly, that I exactly a year later in december it stood at fødegangen and be able to say welcome to Villa Malou in december. It was pretty awesome.

– How to separate your second pregnancy differ from the first?

– I switched between sadness and joy, but I was also very nervous. My pregnancy with Villa was not so carefree. I was really nervous, and it meant I was scanned every 14. day. because I needed to know that I was pregnant, and that ended up the with to get Villa out of it, which is the greatest gift ever.

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– Why is it important for you to openly talk about it here?

– I think there are many who sit with it alone. To get a sense of not to turn to. You feel so stupid, and you are so afraid, now if you can’t get children. You may feel mocked by all the other walking around with prams. The moment you become pregnant and have a their due date, so you know that you must be a mother. The date to be so important, and when the bleeding gets going, and you miscarry, then it is as great a loss of dreams and expectations for it here to be a mother. It is a big big sorrow, no matter how far you are along in the pregnancy, ” she says, and continues:

– today, it is an experience that is far back for me. It is over 13 years ago. It doesn’t take up so much for me, but why hit me, when I hear the stories. It is to be a mother starts the moment you find out that you are pregnant, and it’s a big hole, when there comes a child. I think it is important that there should be a space that you can talk about it and say it out loud, and that it should not be a taboo, for one can easily feel the wrong and lonely, if you can’t get space to talk about it.

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