An exotic football league may be the next stop, if Nicklas Bendtner wants to extend the fodboldkarrieren.

It assesses the former professional footballer and current expert at Discovery Networks Mikkel Bischoff.

– I do not imagine that he takes to a club in Denmark or in Scandinavia.

See also: Bendtner finished in FCK

– It must be somewhere, where it’s exciting, if he is to continue his career. It could be USA, China or Australia. But an equally good bet is that he did not think that it is so much fun more and therefore choose to stop their career, he says.

A switch to a club in the UNITED states, China or Australia will be a step down in level for the Danish striker. But, according to Bischoff, it will be necessary.

– Niveaumæssigt is he not good enough for Copenhagen, so he must find a level that is lower than it, and it can easily be one of the here exotic leagues.

Retirement or on aftægt in an exotic league? That is the question for Nicklas Bendtner. Photo: Jens Dresling

– I think it was clear that he was not good enough to start inside for FC Copenhagen, with the level, as he showed in the battles. It is also quite natural, when he has not played for so long, says Bischoff.

Nicklas Bendtner says even in the context of his stop in the FCK, that he will consider whether he will try a new adventure in the world of football or say stop.

According to Bischoff requires a fodboldeventyr in the UNITED states, China or Australia, that the attacker will appreciate the experience.

– It may be that he can appreciate some other things in life and get some experiences while he plays football. It must he consider, if he wants to.

– the Question is for him, if he can be motivated by it, and if he wants to play football more.

– It is not fun to come from the very top shelf with the best players and the best stadiums and so all the time take a step down, says fodboldeksperten.

FC Copenhagen – 17. dec. 2019 – at. 10:01 Official: Bendtner finished – considering to say stop