If you are velpolstrede plastic-melons and a grateful interlocutor, the future looks bright.

In each case, sexdukkebordellet Doll House reopened its business in Vissenbjerg on Funen, after it was forced to close ditto in Aarhus due to naboklager.

According to them is the need for their provision greater than ever.

– We have great interest from various municipalities, settlements and institutions that see the opportunity in helping their residents with physical and mental challenges, says Henrik, who is a partner in the company, in an email to Ekstra Bladet.

He stresses, however, that the customer base stretches far in the ‘doll house’.

– It is everything from tradesmen to people in suits and big cars. All are welcome, so long as they behave properly and abide by the rules. We offer no violence at the dolls, he writes.

the Price for a trip in the enerum with one of the one and a half metres high dolls starts from 600 euros.

– If the client will be in the spoon with the doll, is the price the same, as if they have sex with it. We can’t control what they’re doing in there, sounds it from Odin, who is the co-founder of the Doll House.

According to the sexologist and advisor on sexual health and well-being, Helle Koldsø, can sexdukker serve as a good tool for any.

– A doll meant as a tool can have really exciting opportunities, she says to TV2Fyn.

Behind the Doll House are among other things, a private investor, just like Assens Municipality have shown the project great support.

– the Neighbors were afraid for the deterioration of the husværdien, but the municipality cut through and gave us the permission. They can not be commended enough, says Henrik.

With the location five minutes from the motorway, believe, Henry, that you have found the perfect place. In turn, dreaming is still large for the future.

– We would like to open three locations nationwide, and a further six in Scandinavia. Sex with dolls, and robots are the future, and it won’t be long before the people inside it. The experience is very authentic, and you do not have to give a dinner or expensive drinks, sounds the final.

the Doll House opened its doors barely two weeks ago.

the Owners Henrik and Odin wanted only to stand by their first name. Ekstra Bladet is familiar with their full identity.