housing minister Kaare Dybvad (S) ought to be called the Blackstone-minister.

since he sat on the ministertaburetten, his main task has been to put an end to the reviled kapitalfonds methods, which has led to hundreds of cases in the rent.

Now Kaare Dybvad and the government has come up with four concrete proposals to put an end to speculators and rent increases.

– We will hit them with short-term interests. Those, who abuse the confidence which we in Denmark have for each other, says Kaare Dybvad, en Ekstra Bladet meets the minister at his office.

Kaare Dybvad on his ministerkontor, which he took over from Ole Birk Olesen. Photo: Aleksander Klug

Four proposals to stop speculators

There must be ten years, from a landlord buying a property, the landlord can raise the rent after section 5, 2. It must address, that it is possible to go for quick short term gains.

– Put the gain down to remove the ‘substantial’ from section 5, 2. Today, it appears that the rent does not significantly exceed the lejedes value. According to the general recognized practice this margin to be 10 percent. It is this proposal, which will have the benefit of transparency in kreuzberg’s housing rents were, believe Kaare Dybvad.

the Requirements on the minimum label C – v label D in the day – at section 5, 2-improvements.

– the Minister will make it possible for shareholders with a valuarvurdering to freeze their valuarvurdering with the desire to counteract the fall in prices of housing cooperatives.

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See also: Blackstone will double vibeke’s rent: Now Mette F. in the matter
Container udskældt section
Although the proposal has garnered recognition in order to attack the speculators, will it still be possible to make §5.2-renovations that do not disappear with the minister’s proposal.

It means § 5 paragraph. 2-renovation

If a privately owned rental home is renovated for a minimum of 2.255 euros per square meter or 257.894 crowns in all, get the landlord the opportunity to fix the rent, so the ‘does not substantially exceed the lejedes value” rather than that the apartment is subject to the so-called cost related rent.

This means that the landlord as a rule of thumb can double the rent. But there are also examples that the rents have been three – or fourfold.

If the apartments in a property to be renovated according to section 5.2 to raise it, of course, the value of udlejningsejendommen and the income from the significantly.

According to the expert report of the Transport and ministry of housing, there is approximately of 2,850 cheap rental units each year from 2006 to 2018 has been done 5.2-improvements.

according to the Report, at the same time, that approximately 76 percent of the rental units, which have undergone a 5.2-renovation, is located around the capital, in Aarhus, Odense or Aalborg.

Continue the development, there will about about 25 years, not be more of the affordable privately owned rental housing.

§ 5, paragraph. 2, in boligreguleringsloven was introduced in 1996 to increase the incentive for owners of private rental properties to renovate their properties.

the Report estimates that in 2019 is 74.600 rented housing, where it will be possible to make a 5.2-improvements.

Source: report of the Expert group on boligreguleringslovens § 5, paragraph. 2, the Transportation and the ministry of housing.

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How will it here the proposal ensure that there is still cheap housing in 10 years?

– It is always a floating issue, what a cheap housing is. A newly constructed general housing costs approximately dkk 10,000 for 100 square feet. I understand very well that people will pay less in rent, but I asked 3F how many of their agreements, which was below the 18.000 for the month. They said that it was around 1 percent, which was less. So if you have a overenskomstbetalt job, then you will be able to stay in the apartments, he says of the approximately 74.000 cost related rental housing, which is estimated to be back, he says.

Kaare Dybvad will of with the short-term speculators. Photo: Aleksander Klug

the Facts about rental housing

Out of Denmark’s total 2.9 million dwellings in Denmark is public and private rental housing 1.2 million homes. Approximately 600,000 of rental housing are covered by either the rent act or boliglovens provisions, according to the report of the expert group.

the Prices of private rental properties since the mid-1980s, has risen much more than consumer prices, and more than the prices of single family homes and condos

the Report’s analysis indicates that in 2019 is a potential for improvements of 74.600 rented after boligreguleringslovens 5,2..

the Improved leasehold has an average annual rent of 1.407 kr. pr. m2 . It can be compared with a rent at an average of 779 kr. pr. m2 for the lease of the same properties, which are rented out with omkostningsbestemt rent. It is similar to a huslejeforskel in the average of 81 per cent – almost a doubling.

Source: report of the Expert group on boligreguleringslovens § 5, paragraph. 2, the Transportation and the ministry of housing.

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how about just abolishing §5.2-renovations, which is the root of the high rentals?

– There I have it such, that it is good, because it gives the renovations, which would otherwise not be made. So it is for me that the renovations should fit into our time. And the great thing in this year and forward is the green economy, says Kaare Dybvad, in its proposal will ensure that all renovations leads to a better engergisikring with him.

the Minister also wants to introduce a huslejebremse. Until now, the landlord had to put the rent significantly above the lejedes value. The words of the law, and thus avert a ‘malicious spiral’, believe ministern.

– On the way huslejebremsen a good tool for the tenants, who otherwise would not have an earthly chance to know what it lejedes value is in the market, consider Kaare Dybvad.

Why choose you not really just to scrap the whole boligloven and then start over next year with a completely new law?

– It is perhaps a very good idea, laughs at the minister addressed to his special adviser and press officer, who sits on the other side of the table and follows with.

– There is no one who can figure out the anyway. But no, it is a difficult discussion. I think that it works very well with a real system. The tenant meets with the landlord in the rent. Although boligloven is very mysterious, said the minister.

the 35-year-old Kaare Dybvad (S) from Holbaek to try to land a deal that can stop boligspekulanterne. Photo: Aleksander Klug.

Several of the opposition parties criticise the dent to mean that cooperative housing will lose value, since their valuarvurdering follows the value of private rental properties.

The problem, will the minister avoid by freezing andelsboligernes valuarvurdering.

– I live in a cooperative, and I am not interested in should be done, says Kaare Dybvad, living at 105 square metres with his wife and two children in Copenhagen. For a rent of 14,000 dollars, with the repayment of the loans.

all in All, believe the minister, that the proposals are enough to stop the much-criticised methods, such as Blackstone and other speculators are using.

– We would like to have long-term investors to enter the Danish market. If Blackstone decides to work long-term, now, they call themselves shown Kereby, so they can easily also be in it. We do not make laws against a single company, says the minister.

Promise public housing on beach road

Kaare Dybvad promised on the first day as minister, that he would build public housing on the beach road.

If we two meet in 10 years, you have built the public housing on beach road?

– Yes, there is a from Tårnbyhuse housing association, who called to Peter Hummelgaard, and said that he has met the boligministerens promise. He had arranged for, to be built 144 housing on Amager Strandvej. He believed that it was even more expensive than the north, so it could be just as well, says the minister.

What with the right Stores, as you have promised?

– Yes, now I just have to talk with the mayor of Gentofte Hans Toft. I’m not sure that he has a lot of reasons available, but it is indeed a task for me to make it. I have been out and look at the Denmark’s Aquarium, where there could well be a good, small housing department at 50-60 homes. I have said it, so it must be possible, says the minister, however, has picked out another lucrative housing stock.

– I see much perspective in to put more housing into the old properties in the area of Østerbro and Frederiksberg. There are lots of old ceilings, which is not built yet. It is the kind of thing I would like to look at, says Kaare Dybvad.

Minister for the environment Lea Wermelin takes a selfie with ældreminister Magnus Heunicke and housing minister Kaare Dybvad. Photo: Gregers Tycho