on Wednesday morning issued Malmö FF a letter on the club’s website, in which it criticised both for its own fans, FC Copenhagen and the Copenhagen Police. The Swedish rekordmestre claimed, among other things, that the police took too late in the face of troublemakers, and it resulted in innocent people were exposed to tear gas.

The interpretation has Peter Dahl, senior inspector, inspector and chief of preparedness for the Copenhagen Police, however, difficult to follow.

-We intervene when we can see that they start to dig the cobbles up. We intervene, as we can see, that they begin to throw firecrackers and cobblestones at police at the checkpoint, there is, he says, to the advice.dk.

– It is such a little contradictory when they also want it to be a festive and enjoyable event for their fans. Actually, I think we are doing what we can, and exerts us to go a long way in relation to letting their fans go their march. We have also put our dialogpoliti into, and those we must pull away, because the dialogue was not really an option anymore.

– Whether we should have taken earlier; I think it is a very hypothetical question. I am sure that if we had chosen to intervene, when the man moved from the Inner City, we were probably criticized by Malmö, or by others to have taken an early check.

Politiinspektøren believe instead that Malmö FF should fix the criticism inward. The club’s fans according to him is at fault, that they at one point got a heavy handed treatment by the Danish police.

– When one reads such a letter there, so you can’t other than be a little bit of harm that a football club on its website briefly describes that they have had some aggressive fans. It was indeed a war zone out around the Park. I have just seen some of the videovervågninger, we have out there, with the firecrackers and throw directly at the police officers with fireworks, cobblestones and electric, says Peter Dahl of the Copenhagen Police.

– I think it is shameful that a club may choose to use one and a half line on to write that "we probably had some aggressive fans with," but then spend the rest of their skrivetid to write, how the Police have failed. I can also see that I am apparently also have failed in connection with the indlukningen. I have of course not any comments on.

It has FC Copenhagen to return. Them you can read here.

Inspector Dahl continues:

– I think it would become such a club here that use their energy to take some internal discussions about when you travel abroad and participate in football matches, that you bring such a horde of fans. It may well be that it is their own perception, that there have been approximately 100 of their own aggressive fans, but when I see the video surveillance of that they are moving down Østerbrogade at Gunnar Nu Hansens Plads, there is far more than the 100 aggressive fans that move the way.

– If you are a hr. and mrs Malmö, which is not in any way involved in the aggressiveness towards either the police or the opposing team, so you might choose to go a different route and not go along with the very aggressive fans.

they Should not be able to go in together, without taking physical distance to its medfans?

– When you go along with someone who is completely outside of the educational reach and throw stones, shoot with or more main gun barrels directly at the police, throwing firecrackers, throwing elløbehjul and another, then one must expect that there will be a backlash from the police with the use of force.

Fanmarcher is often followed by a police escort. It was possible for the hr. and mrs Malmö to step away from the march?

– It could be easily.

– I think it is just typical to a club where their fans have been involved in violent riots. So if you add distance to, and basically it’s just a few things, you yourself have been involved in, and then it is the authorities who have failed, says Peter Dahl of the Copenhagen Police.

– I can’t deny that there may be individual incidents where the police have failed. But if you have been exposed to it, must be the complaint, and so, we have to examine the individual episode. I can only see it in the broad picture, and may I just say, that we have been maximally challenged by the police. We had, of course, not only the Malmö fans to relate to. We had, of course, and we must not forget, some very aggressive fans from FCK, who in the same way, the police attacked with all sorts of missiles.

Had so manpower enough?

– It can always assess. We have spent considerable resources on this fight, I would say.

Malmö FF also wrote the Wednesday morning that the club had scheduled an evaluation meeting with the Danish police and the official fan club, MFF Support. It was a lead inspector Peter Dahl and his colleagues, however, aren’t aware of.

– I could read, they wrote, that they had made a deal, so I have just been around in our organization, and there is certainly not anyone here, either in my organization or those who work with fodboldbøller, which can confirm that we have received an invitation, says Dahl, who, however, like to take the trip across the Sound.

– We are very happy to meet and take a little video with, so Malmö-the club can be allowed to see what was happening on the streets of Copenhagen, he says.

The Swedish club laid on Wednesday morning, the distance to the group of the own fans, that created turmoil before the fight. It added that it believed that the Danish police would investigate and retforfølge the rioters. It will Peter Dahl of the Copenhagen Police like to guarantee.

– can I just confirm that, immediately after the match, we established a small task force, which should work geared to identify the troublemakers. It comes from both FCK and from Malmö. So they can be sure-fire at, that we are very dedicated in helping to find the people who have helped to make disturbances, and to punish them, he says.