Friday the 13. december dropped the hammer Mette Thiesen.

New Borgerliges member of parliament was in the Copenhagen city Court convicted of having violated a fitnessinstruktørs honor and sentenced to a fine of 15,000 dollars for it.

Not long after created the controversial gallery owner Erik Guldager a collection, there should scrape the money together to pay for the fine and Mette Thiesens costs.

’as a matter Of principle, I do not consider Mette to pay the fine itself. We do it for her’, wrote This on Facebook the same day as the sentencing. Already a few hours later was the money collected.

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But the collection was never reported to the Indsamlingsnævnet and is, therefore, not been approved. It informs Indsamlingsnævnet in an email to Ekstra Bladet.

’the Board may in this context indicate that the tribunal is not at present seen to have given permission to the launched collection’, sounds it in the mail.

After Indsamlingslovens § 3, paragraph.1, a collection first started when Indsamlingsnævnet has given permission for it.

After the Ekstra comments have Indsamlingsnævnet contacted Erik Guldager and asked him to seek the necessary authorisation as soon as possible and no later than 31. december of this year.

it doesn’t Happen, you risk Erik Guldager being sentenced to a fine, unless a higher penalty is due after the law to others’. It writes Indsamlingsnævnet in an email to him, as the Extra Leaf is in the possession of.

Erik Guldager was world-famous in 2009, when his gallery put the house to an exhibition of the Mohammed cartoonist Kurt Westergaard. Three years later drew This again made headlines when he entered into the agreement-the conflict around the Restaurant Vejlegården.

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Erik Guldager has no comments on the matter. Photo: Anders Brohus/Ritzau Scanpix

Erik Guldager has several times participated in the New Borgerliges country – and annual meetings. He has previously volunteered as folketingskandidat for the party, but was in his own words ’weighed and found wanting’. He wrote in a Facebook update in January.

’New Civic is an excellent and necessary party, a party I would like to lift it up and forward – therefore, I joined recently as folketingskandidat – and offered the course to me sign in again (…) I was weighed by the NB…. found too easy’, it sounded at the time.

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with Erik Guldager, who do not want to comment on the matter.

Mette Thiesen informs to Ekstra Bladet that she has not received money from the collection, and that she was not aware that it was illegal.

– I have nothing received and nothing had to do with it. It is incredibly positive that there is someone who will help and support me, but of course it should be done on a legal basis, she said.

Thiesen tells that she knows the organisers of the gathering, but that it is ’100 percent on their initiative’.

Mette Thiesen wrote 19. april 2018 at its facebookprofil a post with the headline ‘Terrorist-sympathiser used by Danmarks Radio’.

In the advertisement, she walked in the flesh on the fitnessinstruktøren Mahmoud Loubani, who participated in a DR program.

Loubani had as a comment to a third person’s post on Facebook about Omar El-Hussein written ‘Allah yerhamu’, which means ‘may God forgive you’.

El-Hussein’s attack in 2015 a debatarrangement and a synagogue in Copenhagen and killed filmmanden Finn Nørgaard and the volunteer guard Dan Uzan.

Mette Thiesen perceived Loubanis comment for el-Hussein-the lookup as a sympatitilkendegivelse to Omar el-Hussein.