
– In images of a variety afstemplede stamps.
– As can be seen, they can be stamped very sloppy.

Fireblokken with lower marginalnummer – which is a collectable in itself – is stamped 28-10 – 2019, writes Per, who sent these examples of stamping with. Private: Per

so begins Per H an email, not a letter!, to the nation! on the in his eyes, outrageous development, who has been with the Danish postmarked shipments.

Per is probably a little bit more aware of stamps than the other, because he collects stamps. And he would like to hear whether he is the only one who think the Post’s hiring a few more and more in-depth employees to stamp. His mail – Post to the North is the equivalent of below – continues namely as follows:

– the Stamps are more or less oversværtet – and it is bad, for in the collect end is a stamp , where you can see the provenance, the date and time, the most valuable.

– There have also in periods been checked over the stamps with a pen or marker pen and it spoils the whole pleasure of collecting, when fine stamps get corrupted on the way.

And when calling in, after several transitions and referrals, to know that letters are secondary.

– Practice, write Per, who had probably had hoped for. that his letter had created a little more soul-searching in postnord’s stempelafdeling, than the here answers suggest:

– It is very rare that we hear complaints about stemplingens quality at PostNord.

– We stamps from the post, which must be handled, and that the stamps must be secured against re – use- it is, after all, the most important thing.

– At PostNord, however, we have also the understanding that filatelisterne may have special wishes in relation to stamping.

– Therefore, we also offer a filatelistisk stamping in cooperation with the Danish Philatelist Federation, where bl.a. can get the piston to its stamps with the local town stamps.

– you can read more about on our website, write Postnord to the nation!, but what are you thinking?