A majority in the U.S. House of Representatives on the night of Thursday local time voted to ask president Donald Trump for a rigsret.

Only twice before in U.S. history has a president been asked for a rigsret: Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1999.

On the first anklagepunkt regarding the abuse of power and voted in the House of Representatives, where the Democrats have majority, for a rigsret with the vote of 230 for and 197 against.

Policy – 19. dec. 2019 – at. 06:00 Did you notice this detail in the House of Representatives?

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Overview: How it works a impeachment in the U.S.

* the Term ‘impeachment’ is understood differently in the US than in Denmark. In English this is called the ‘impeachment’, and in the UNITED states is the politicians who judges, not judges and lawyers.

* The u.s. constitution allows Congress to remove a president from office, if the latter has committed “serious crime”: for example, treason, bribery, or crime linked to the misuse of political power.

* Both Congressional chambers participating in an impeachment:

* In the House of Representatives needs a simple majority to raise one or more charges. Here the Democrats currently have a majority.

* the Senate then becomes the scene of the rigsretssagen. Chefdommeren by the supreme court should lead the process.

* The 100 senators act as a jury, while selected members of the House of Representatives is the prosecutors in the case.

* There is required at least 67 votes in the Senate for a conviction. President Donald Trumps party, the Republicans, have today majority with a total of 53 senatspladser out of 100.

Sources: The New York Times, CNN, NTB.

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the Accusation goes that Donald Trump used his office to press the government of Ukraine.

the UNITED states would withhold military aid, if not president Volodimir Zelenskij announced that Ukraine would study the Trumps political opponent Joe Biden and his son for corruption.

Also on the second anklagepunkt on the thwarting of the Congressional work is Donald Trump made for a rigsret.

It is clear after the night’s second vote shortly before three o’clock Danish time.

Here voting 229 for and 198 against.

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Overview: the Way to a impeachment


* biden’s son gets in 2014 member of the board of a Ukrainian energy company. The company is involved in a tax dispute in Ukraine, but there is no information about his son, Hunter Biden, is a part of the case.


* 18. July: Trump gives according to u.s. media orders to withhold nearly $ 400 million in militærhjælp to Ukraine.

* 25. July: Trump speaks with Ukraine’s president in a 30-minute phone call.

In september, the newspaper The Wall Street Journal describe that Trump the call has been trying to push president Volodimir Zelenskij to investigate Hunter biden’s business to a Ukrainian consortium for energy.

* 12. august: A whistleblower lodges in the american intelligence services a complaint to the inspector general for the intelligence services. Of the complaint, it appears that Trump has had a telephone conversation with a foreign head of state’, and that the call has aroused the concern.

* 11. september: Militærbistanden being given to the Ukraine.

* 24. september: Trump confirms that he has withheld aid to Ukraine. In several interviews, he denies that the assistance was withheld in order to squeeze Ukraine.

the President of the House of Representatives, democrat Nancy Pelosi, declares that man will commence a rigsretsproces against the u.s. president.

* 25. september: A five-page document with a transcript from the phone conversation between Trump and Zelenskij published by The White House. Bistandspengene is not mentioned in the published transcript.

according to the report, among other things, that Trump said:

– There is a lot of talk about biden’s son – that Biden stopped the prosecution, and that many people want to find out of it, so everything what you can accomplish together with the minister of justice, will be fine.

Biden went around and boasted that he stopped the persecution of the charges, so if you can look at it … It sounds terrible in my ears.

* 26. september: the Whistleblower reporting will be published by Congress. In that report, writes the whistleblower, among other things:

– I have received information from several government officials, that the UNITED states’s president uses his or her office the power to seek a foreign country’s interference in the us elections in 2020.

In the days after the phone conversation I learned from several officials that high-ranking officials in The White House had intervened to ‘shut down’ all the records on the telephone conversation.

* 27. september: A committee of the House of Representatives, rallies UNITED states secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, in order to get him to hand over documents relating to the contact with the Ukrainian government.

* 28. september: Donald Trump call Ukraine-the case for ‘the greatest scam in american policy history’.

* 29. september: Donald Trump writes on Twitter that he will meet personally with the whistleblower. He stresses that he believes that he is entitled to be allowed to confront his ‘charges’.

the Same day, reports the american tv-station CBS that the whistleblower is currently under federal protection because he fears for his safety.

* 30. september: Trumps personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, will be the regatta of the three committees of the House of Representatives. The committees require a number of documents issued in connection with the possible impeachment.

Sources: BBC, The Wall Street Journal, The White House, CBS, Reuters.

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This accusation goes that Trump has hindered the Congress to let justice be done.

Democrats believe that Trump has hindered Congressional rigsretsundersøgelse by refusing to provide documents and refuse top officials to testify in the case.

As expected, voted with nearly all democrats in the House of Representatives of the two counts. However, voted Tulsi Gabbard, who is in the race to become the Democratic presidential nominee, flatly in both polls.

All of the republicans voted against it.

Rigsretssagen is now being sent on to the Senate, which shall decide the matter.

Trump can be allocated, it requires a two-thirds majority – that is, that at least 67 of the Senate’s 100 members.

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the FACTS: Only three times has Congress led the case against the president

Nancy Pelosi, the democratic chairman of the House of Representatives of the UNITED states, will examine the possibility of impeachment proceedings against president Donald Trump.

the Announcement comes after Trump has come in the political headwinds in a case where he is accused of trying to push Ukraine’s president to find dirt on the democrat Joe Biden.

learn more about the process of an impeachment here:

* It only happened three times in US history that the country’s Congress has taken impeachment of the president.

In 1867-68 led a magtstrid between Congress and president Andrew Johnson to the impeachment of Johnson, which, however, was acquitted by a margin of one vote.

In 1974, went to president Richard Nixon, since it was clear that he would lose an impeachment in connection with the Watergate affair, where the president illegally had tried to stop a dommerundersøgelse.

In 1998, president Bill Clinton asked for a rigsret to have lied about his sexual relationship with an intern in The White House Monica Lewinsky. He was acquitted in February 1999.

* the two chambers of Congress are participating both in an impeachment.

In the House of Representatives, a majority raise an accusation that according to the constitution to include ‘serious crime’. It applies, among other things, treason, bribery, or crime linked to the misuse of political power.

Then the Senate’s 100 members conducts the domshandlingen, which required at least 66 votes for a conviction.

Ensure that there is a two-thirds majority for a conviction in the Senate, devoted to the president.

For the time being have the Democrats the majority in the House of Representatives, while president of Donald Trumps Republican Party has a majority in the Senate.

Sources: The New York Times, CNN, NTB.

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Since the republicans are sitting on a good half of the seats in the Senate, it will mean that a number of republicans to turn Donald Trump’s back, and it will hardly happen.

the Debate in the House of Representatives was opened on Wednesday morning, local time, and the first vote was conducted shortly before o’clock 20.30.