The well-known debater and defender of the weak Lisbeth Zornig Andersen, who in the summer went personally bankrupt due to a tax liability of 1.4 million, has been given a helping hand by her former husband Ole in skive, denmark.

Although eksmanden usually is in the radiator industry,, he founded ,shortly before Lisbeth Zornigs personal bankruptcy in august 2019, the company Soft Talk Communications Aps. And here is Zornig and her husband Mikael Lindholm has been employed.

Formally speaking, the company faces as the organizer of Lisbeth Zornigs lectures. Mikael Lindholm is employed as a communications officer, and together they stand for the daily operation.

Torben Bagge, who leads the tax department in the TVC law firm, is critical of the design, even though one well may fix it – as long as it is on the market.

– Immediately, you could well get the idea that it is not on the market, because she’s holding a lecture and lets her former husband’s company to earn money, which her current man can send a bill, he says, and adds:

– It seems that to do what you can, not to pay a debt to the public and thus contribute to our common good through samfundskassen, he says.

Ole Palsgaard and Lisbeth Zornig have four children together. Even though they were divorced 16 years ago, they still have a very close relationship to each other, told Zornig to Kristeligt Dagblad in 2018.

– What we have together is much stronger than a friendship. We are each other’s confidential, and after my husband, Michael, is Ole my closest sparring partner in all aspects of life. We always keep christmas and children’s birthdays together, all together, thus also with our current spouses. Ole was also the toastmaster for my wedding with Michael, and he just helped us move. It is completely natural, and there is no jealousy, she said at the time.

the business news – 17. dec. 2019 – at. 15:10 Zornigs car was $ 10,000. worth’: Sold for seven times as much

Because Lisbeth Zornig is personal bankruptcy, owe she still Treasure 1.4 million dollars, and therefore it may be possible for the authorities to involve something of her salary. But it becomes far more difficult when the money fall into eksmandens company, explains Per Nikolaj Bukh, professor of economics and management at Aalborg University

If she f.ex. get a million dollars for the lectures, they go into one place, and if she so get 400.000 dollars as salary in the company, it is only the part, the Tax may claim in the. While the last 600.000, the country is a place where you do not owe Tax something.

If she had continued to make lectures without eksmandens new company, had the Tax been significantly easier to get some of his money.

So was the income brought to her, and so had the Tax in the higher the degree the opportunity to get his money back, he says.

Zornig-case map

Lisbeth Zornig went 5. august 2019 personal bankruptcy with the House Zornig due to a tax liability of 1.4 million euros.

As a part of the business expenses she among other things talks.

12. June 2019 founded her ex-husband Ole Palsgaard company Soft Talk Communications Aps.

It is now to arrange the lectures.

the History of Zornigs bankruptcy has flared up again, after Ekstra Bladet could tell, there are up to Zornigs bankruptcy had been transferred 700,000 to her husband.

the Liquidator Boris Frederiksen will have the money back, while Lisbeth Zornig and his or her spouse Mikael Lindholm believes that there is no problem, since there is talk about a salary for work performed.

the business news – 17. dec. 2019 – at. 07:28 Before bankruptcy: Zornig transferred 700.000 kr. to her husband

ex-husband: – It is common sense

Ole Palsgaard is not much to comment on the new design, but he says to Ekstra Bladet, Lisbeth Zornig, the man Mikael Lindholm is employed on ordinary terms. They are at the same time of the day to day operation.

– There is nothing wrong with it here. It is common sense. It is perhaps an exaggeration to say that it is going well, but it is sensible, he says of the business.

For Extra, the Magazine writes Mikael Lindholm in a general email response that he is affiliated with the company as ‘communications adviser’.

‘Ole Palsgaard is an entrepreneur and experienced business manager, he saw an opportunity to create a communications company with a point of departure in lisbeth’s and partly my skills, after Gældsstyrelsen closed the House Zornig. He looked hopefully true, we must see, the company is off to a good start, but is only a few months old, so there’s more time to evaluate, how it develops’criticise.

Extra Magazine accuses him and Ole Palsgaard criticism from Torben Bagge, but they have not answered. Lisbeth Zornig has also not responded to our inquiries.