A controversial lovsforslag is once again in vogue, and this time it is Pia Kjærsgaard (DF), who shouts up.

If the bill is of a temporary allowance to the families affected to kontanthjælpsloftet and/or integrationsydelsen, will be adopted, will the Danish people’s Party to activate the basic law, article 42, she says from the pulpit.

And it was the Friday with 56 votes for and 47 votes against.

– We have been contained for many things, but with the new government, I am very skeptical, very nervous and very annoyed with that one relaxes now. And I’m afraid that we go to a time in the meeting that we will regret.

– There is a proposal to activate section 42, and it seems we are in the DF is a sensible idea. It makes the DF, of course, says Pia Kjærsgaard.

Paragrafen, which has only been used once back in 1963, making it possible to get sent laws to a referendum, if 60 members of Parliament sign it.

With this change in the law, the government and the støttepartierne Radical Left, Enhedslisten and SF provide a monthly allowance to families with unemployed parents.

the Grant will constitute $ 700. pr. child pr. month for parents on the lowest services, 600 kr. pr. the child of the single pr. month and 550 kr. pr. child pr. month for the other in the target group. In addition, single-parent families, an additional grant of 650 dkk. monthly regardless of the number of children’, informs the ministry of Employment on their website.

the ministry of Employment estimates that 63 percent of the families, who stand to receive the subsidy, have non-western background.

Also the chairman of the New Civil, Pernille Vermund, has formerly threatened with section 42 in connection with the bill.

– We are in a situation where a large majority of the Danish politicians went to the options to maintain the current immigration policy. Including The Social Democrats. The promise fails, they now know to do the exact opposite of what they promised the voters. Namely easing. Therefore, it is absolutely reasonable to let the danes get to have their say in a referendum, said she to Finance in October.

Vermund thank now the Danish people’s Party for support.

– I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to DF for the back up of the invocation of section 42.

– I also want to say thank you to Pia Kjærsgaard for many years of wear in a udlændingedebat, which has been tough, and which has been filled with unpleasant situations, says Pernille Vermund to Ritzau.

After the bill is passed by Parliament, political parties three days to collect the signatures.

however, It does require that other parties will back up before the necessary 60 signatures can come in the house.