Police and emergency vehicles are massively present at Nørrebro Station in Copenhagen.

the Reason is supposedly that a major battle has taken place. A person is driven to the emergency room, after he has been stabbed with a knife.

Copenhagen police informs to the Extra Magazine, that they did not yet know the circumstances behind the fight. It is probably not banderelateret.

– Which included a lot of reviews about a major brawl at the station. There have been used both knives and clubs.

– There is blood on the street, so there is probably someone who has been stabbed or else. But we know, as I said, not the exact details yet,

– A person is driven to the emergency room, but he or she is not in critical condition, informs the central vagtleder, Henrik Rohdin.

Extra Magazine’s man on the spot can report that the entire station is blocked. About 20 cops with dogs are now investigating the station and the area around the station.

Two ambulances arrived to the site.

7/11-eleven kiosk at the station is blocked, and the ground in front of the kiosk is currently being washed.
