One of Esbjerg’s most respected business personalities through the ages, Johan P. Hoffmann, giving away now the whole of his beautiful manor house away.

the Recipients of the manor Endrupholm, that is from 1580, the population of the Municipality of Esbjerg.

– I will with the gift of like to put a little plaque over my wife Jyttes and my life, says the 82-year-old musician to Ekstra Bladet.

Michael and Johan P. Hoffmann still lives in the 1,800 square meters country house is renovated from the basement to the attic.

– Not at least Jytte love to stay here. She gets tears in her eyes, every time we are talking about, that one day we must from here. But we are old now, and there comes a day when we no longer can cope with the stairs. We have now taken care of, ” explains Johan P. Hoffmann.

Free opera in the garden
Formally has been created and a fund – ‘Endrupholmfonden’ – with a capital of 40 million dollars. The 20 million dollars used to buy the manor, while the rest of the money will be used to keep the manor and organise artistic events for the citizens. It can be art exhibitions and music.

– We emphasize that events must be free and not ruled by commercial forces. I watch as the like, for example, a beautiful opera listed in the by have. Hard rock music does not, however, on the speech. The arrangements must suit the surroundings, explaining the art-loving musician, who himself also is a capable painter.

Johan P. Hoffmann was stenrig to fabricate and sell animal feed from the company Arovit in Esbjerg. Twenty years ago, he sold the company, now called C&D Foods.

Johann P. Hoffmann built his fortune through dyrefoderfabrikken Arovit in Esbjerg. PR Photo

It is yet unclear when the generous married couple moves from the big manor house outside of Philadelphia.

– Right now we have it good. I have been through a double bypass surgery, and have it again, fine. But there comes a day when we can’t manage to be here more. And we are happy that things about the future are put in order.

Johan P. hoffmann’s generosity extends not only to give the manor away absolutely free. For years back, he founded a second fund is now a total of 135 million crowns, which supports a wide variety of applications within, among other things culture and art in Esbjerg Municipality. Also enterprising entrepreneurs can get the allocated money of the fund.

– I would like to give a little back to the Municipality of Esbjerg. When I was in his time began with a small factory in the city, I got lots of help from the municipality to develop the company on favorable terms. It helped me tremendously to much back then. I am also deeply grateful to so many loyal employees helped to get Arovit to grow, says Johan P. Hoffmann.

The generous couple has three daughters aged 44, 51 and 53 years old.

– of course, We have spoken with them about whether they would like to stay at the manor. But it has none of those desired. So they welcome the complete idea of giving it away.

– But now there are so many millions of dollars from your children’s inheritance?

– Yes, but there are well-catered for them also. They can easily get by the rest of the life, smiles, Johan P. Hoffmann.

Endrupholm is located in the very scenic surroundings, enclosed by wooded slopes at the bottom of the wide Sneum river Valley, between Esbjerg and Holsted.

The current main building is from 1770-ies.

the Courtyard is paved and bounded at one end by huge, mature lime trees. The courtyard, the bridge, vestfløjens forbindelsesmur to the bridge as well as brostensbelægningen in the courtyard and in front of the hovedbebyggelsens garden side is protected.


– It is a nice and commendable gesture, to Johan P. Hoffmann now send the roses to the municipality and the city’s population further, says Esbjerg’s mayor Jesper Frost Rasmussen.

the Mayor designates, Johan P. Hoffmann, as the quiet entrepreneur.

– He is a nice and very pleasant and sociable man. He belongs to the quiet type that has no need for grand gestures. He creates results through actions, and he lets it do not just stay in the mouth, says Jesper Frost Rasmussen to Ekstra Bladet.

According to the mayor, Hoffmann meant incredibly much for the development in Esbjerg.

– He has created a lot of jobs, and now he gives some of the millionerne back to the city. Hoffmann is a very generous actress, and we are grateful that he now creates an exciting cultural venue for all.