The former vice-president of the Left Kristian Jensen suggests in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, to the Left goes along with the government, The Radicals and The Conservatives about a big reform package on, among other tax and seniorjobordningen.

today is Kristian Jensen, the Danish Liberal party arktisordfører and outside of the party leadership. Therefore, he feels that he has a ‘freer role now’, he says to the newspaper.

And it gets him to propose a big package of reforms, which must increase the tax on discharge of CO2, the change in the training aid, the SU, as well as the jobcentres and get fewer to use the seniorjobordningen.

the Aim must be to make it more expensive to emit CO2, while the supply of labour – i.e. the amount of labour must be increased.

It, he proposes and to have informed his party leadership at Christiansborg.

– Alternatively, the whole of the green transition to be paid with increasing taxes and charges, says Jensen, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.

According to the Liberal party’s political rapporteur, Sophie Løhde, is the outlook for Kristian Jensen’s own expense.

– Kristian Jensen does not speak on behalf of the Left, she says to Jyllands-Posten.

She will not answer the question of whether the V-management support a reform plan with the early issues reprinted material pirated:

– He does not speak on behalf of the Left, and I will answer whatever you will ask, and she says to the newspaper.

The Radical call according to Jyllands-Posten Kristian Jensen’s report ‘excellent’.

Finance minister Nicolai Wammen writes in an email to the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten that ‘overall, I share Kristian Jensen’s ambition to lead an ambitious and long-term policy. Also, like in a broad cooperation.’

But The Conservative finansordfører, Rasmus Jarlov, is more loren by Kristian Jensen’s ideas.

– I do not think that we should go outside on the Danish people’s Party, Liberal Alliance and the New Civil, he says, and explains that he’d rather gather the five civil parties, and then negotiate reforms with the government.