The rødhvide colors on and the fingers to be lubricated to the absolute numbness of the resin, when the Danish gentlemen by EM to go for the EM-gold. And with EM-the gold to become the reigning olympic, world and european champions – a golden treble, only France so far has been able to hive home. Would someone at home be in doubt for Denmark’s absolute dominance, they are, at least not in Germany.

The German media Sport1 have given their bids on a powerranking of the 24 countries in the fight for the finals, which takes place on Thursday night, and German Sky Sports have also given their bids in cooperation with one of the most used håndboldeksperter, VM-guldvinderen from 2007 Christian Schwarzer. The bends all in the dust for the Danish supremacy.

– A team leading the way – it’s almost all experts agree on, and there is almost no way outside of: Denmark, writes Sky and argue on.

– the List of absolute verdensklassespillere is long. Mikkel Hansen, Niklas Landin, Hans Lindberg or Morten Olsen all belong to among the at the moment best players at their respective positions. ‘It is the players who are in the crucial stages to take the right decisions. It is what separates the good from the really good players’, says Christian Schwarzer.

Sport1 is also convinced and call Denmark for ‘the absolute topfavorit after the excellent performance at the WORLD cup 2019’, at the same time, they believe, the danes only have been stronger to have gathered more experience and have the young venstrehåndskomet Niclas Kirkeløkke as an extra trump card in years.

Schwarzer complements them by beating real, that Denmark was a class better than all others at the recent finals, also with hjemmebaneprivilegiet taken into account.

The here finals is no exception for the eternal French slutfavoritter, which is placed as no. 2 on the list. The French have won bronze at the last two big finals in the past, which almost constituted a low point for franskmændende that over the last 20 years have been accustomed to, at least, to be in a finale every other finals.

the French have gone through a successful succession, but make still with the old guard in the form of names such as Michael Guigou, the heavy stregspiller Soirhando, acrobatic Luc Abalo and, not least, Nikola Karabatic. Ageing bigwigs, who all is on the other side of 35, but can still cause most of the defending around the world problems.

Meritterne you can’t get around – in 18 of the last 25 finals is the French ended up among the best four, and 10 of them have been gold.

Karabatic and the rest of the old guard have a medaljesamling, very few people can boast of. A French team with a mix of young and old will once again be a prime candidate to be a winner. Photo: Jens Dresling
in Addition, our nordic brothers on the third and fourth also a strong suitor for the title, especially on the back of the home advantage, as the slightly bizarre share with Austria. The germans place themselves in a lowly sixth place.

The big håndboldnation, apart from the EM-triumph in 2016 been a shadow of his former dominant self, especially in 00’s, conducted by the well-known moustache on coach Heiner Brand was a constant titelfavorit and played his way to four finals and two gold medals.

Now they are about themselves to be able to play with on the semifinalepladser, if all the bottles themselves. Special rates on, the team force, their strong defensive and two offensive skilled goalkeepers can wear them.

Proud håndboldnationer as Croatia and Iceland is not very trust, and the German experts have placed the two nations, respectively, a seventh and ninth place. The previously so feared the poles are also way down on the a 21. space and is therefore little chance at all to advance from the group stage. The absolute prügelknabe, expect the germans, the Latvian badebilletter. The nation has Dainis Kristopans from the Macedonian team Vardar Skopje as the only card in your hand, and it is expected that they will get a rough ride in Germany’s own pool.

Denmark’s first match is against Iceland and will start Saturday. 18.15.

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