Jakob Ellemann-Jensen has big big problems as a leader of the Left.

It takes Extra Magazine’s political commentator Henrik Qvortrup.

When the Saturday came, that Kristian Jensen told Jyllands-Posten that he wants to cooperate on reforms across the middle, reacted to the Left-the president, by depriving Kristian Jensen its rapporteurships and remove him from the committees he sat in.

– Jakob Ellemann has a need to show that he is a vigorous man who dare tell the others how it is done, turn Qvortrup fixed.

the Problem is just, that the president, according to Qvortrup used completely the wrong situation to come in character.

– He chooses the easy victim here. He kicks down. In advance was Kristian Jensen’s power and influence in the Left is very small. Anyway, he uses the episode to really provide it with the sledgehammer. So now is the question of whether other Left-people who say things that differ from Ellemanns position, will also be pandet down publicly, as Kristian Jensen has been, says Henrik Qvortrup.

– it seems To me that the Ellemann has been so much panic over the her opinion, that is about to grow about a party leader who does not have a grip on his party and therefore he has responded disproportionately.

the Danish policy – 12. jan. 2020 – pm. 11:12 Qvortrup, on the Left-chaos: – Brutal punishment!