The american NBA tournament in basketball is affected by a visual very nasty injury.

Philadelphia 76’ers Joel Embiid tried to stop a shot in the fight earlier in the week against the Oklahoma City Thunder, and it caused the finger to go completely out of the led, while the teammates were left in shock.

– I was just about to throw up when I saw it, ” says teammate Ben Simmons, according to the New York Post.

Fast-forward to 24 seconds and see the eerie photos…

Av-av, the finger is completely out of context. Here is stored a little bit away. Photo: Bill Streicher/Ritzau Scanpix

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Embiid went in the locker room and a few minutes later he came back with the finger the wallpaper, and then he played on and contributed 18 points in the victory on 120-113.

– I am glad that he came back. We had no use for him, and he is a big part of the team, says Simmons.

Embiid himself acknowledges that he may have just tightened it slightly.

I played basically only with one hand.

– It was pretty silly, but in the midst of a series of defeat, I would just make sure that I did everything possible to procure a win, and I’m happy for the victory, says Embiid.

the x-rays showed that nothing was broken, while the finger was sprained, but it stops not a 25-year-old gut at 2.13 metres and 127 pounds, who has cameroonian roots, and the past two years, has been selected to the All star team.

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