It was not the response I had anticipated, says a surprised Kristian Jensen on Sunday evening in an interview with TV Midtvest.

this is The first time, he shall speak, after he Saturday, was stripped of all its rapporteurships and udvalgsposter of movement of the Left, Jakob Ellemann-Jensen.

Saturday’s shock announcement from the Left-the president came shortly after that Kristian Jensen in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten had proposed that the Left should go along with the government, the radicals and the conservatives about a big reform package on, among other tax and seniorjobordningen.

Kristian Jensen says in the interview that he accepts the party’s decision, but also that he stands by what he said to Jyllands-Posten.

– Left is the party that talks about how we create growth and prosperity. How we create the money and not just spend the money, and that’s it, I’m in the interview tries to give a recipe for. Therefore, I thought such a set, it lay in the extension of the Liberal party’s policy, says Kristian Jensen.

He rejects at the same time, that he is moving away from the party.

– No, I’m certainly not moving away from the Left. I’m Left-man in my heart. I have been ever since I joined as a 17-year-old, and I will be until the day I get laid in the grave, says Kristian Jensen TV Midtvest.