– We have chosen to do it outside the job centres to try something new.

– With the great response we have gotten, it could well indicate that it is also the way we will go in the future.

NyDanmark – 11. dec. 2019 – at. 07:05 Job cost 13 billion – but no one knows the effect

so says John Nielsen, managing director of frysefirmaet Agri-Norcold to the jv.dk, that it is fallen into with applications from bl.a. truckførere and warehouse workers, after the company in a press release, called for employees in december.

20 man is employed, and it is just the beginning, says the director, who tells that it is grisekød to China, which creates the bustle:

– My HR manager has in the degree of sweat on the forehead, says Jan Nielsen, and on the newspaper’s Facebook page, Niels P got 17 likes for this comment on the many positions:

– When companies choose to search for people around the job centre, so telling me a little about what the job centers are worth, writes Niels,but what are you thinking?

See also: Butt-please enquire at the job center: How dry are you?