It is one of those moments, as those present in the badminton court in Hvidovre will never forget.

For the first time since badmintonprofilen Christian Lind Thomsen was hit by Guillain-Barrés syndrome and lost førligheden, he struck again fjerbolden over the net.

– For a month and a half ago, I did not think it was possible, so I am very happy to be here, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

– sometimes, there is no progress with this disease, but the last month has it just moved the whole game.

the Disease broke out soon after, he and his girlfriend, singer Malene Qvist, got the boy Victor.

In a few days, he went from highly trained athlete to a severely affected patient. He became more and more tired. The feet and the fingertips began to sleep, and he was diagnosed with the disease that suddenly hits the body’s immune system attacks the nerves and paralyzes parts of the body.

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Malene Qvist and Christian Lind Thomsen had just gotten his son Victor, since the disease broke out. Photo: Michael Stub/Ritzau Scanpix

Shortly after the outbreak of the disease was Christian Lind Thomsen so weakened, that it was a goal just to train itself to come up in the couple’s apartment on the fourth floor.

Now dry, he again to believe that resume badmintonkarrieren.

the Mood has been very up and down. I am very happy that I have reached here. It was wild today. But I still have sleeping fingertips and feet. Therefore is of course difficult with the fast-paced games, and I doubted very much, but it all went well.

– There can suddenly come to a standstill again, but I will do everything again to play the first single for Hvidovre Badminton Club. When it happens, I dare not say, he explains.

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Christian Lind Thomsen has participated in some of the biggest tournaments, but he has nothing the world elite. Photo: Ben Stansall/Ritzau Scanpix

Christian Lind Thomsen refers to itself as being about halfway in genoptræningen. Before the disease weighted dumbbells 12 pounds, when he trained. In november, there was only a pound on each. Now, he sets the weight at five pounds, when he the strength coach.

It was really frustrating in november. The fingers were asleep, so I could not live normally. Now I can even take the socks on and can open doors, so I will say that I live a normal life.

– My family and friends have really supported me, and it has been motivating. For them I will be back.

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