by 2030, Microsoft has a plan to remove more CO2, than the company itself emit – in other words, be CO2-negative.

the Plan is to assist with, that the u.s. it giant in 2050 have been completely removed the CO2 footprint, which it has derived, directly and through its power since its founding in 1975.

Microsoft said in a press release.

– the World of work is being done to achieve a goal to be ‘net zero’ (to remove the corresponding amount of CO2 that you emit, red.).

– But those of us who have the opportunity to move even faster and longer to do it.

– Therefore, we present today an ambitious goal and a new plan for how we reduce and ultimately remove Microsoft’s CO2 footprint, says Brad Smith, ceo of Microsoft, in a press release.

in addition to the goal of becoming CO2-negative in 2030, Microsoft has launched a new initiative to help the company’s suppliers and customers worldwide to use Microsoft’s technology to reduce their own CO2 footprint.

in Addition, Microsoft has established a new klimainnovationsfond on a billion dollar, to accelerate the global development of new technologies that reduce, capture and eliminate CO2 emissions.

From next year, Microsoft will also add CO2 reduction as an explicit part of the procurement process to the value chain.

In Microsoft’s Danish division, one gets, in particular, to contribute to the global climate regime through the technology, one uses on the Danish market.

– In cooperation with our customers, we use many solutions, where we among others using artificial intelligence to optimize consumption of energy and on the way to significantly reduce CO2 emissions, says Nana Bule, who is the managing director for Microsoft Denmark.

Microsoft is far from the only company that goes with the plans in relation to its own change.

in Denmark, Vestas announced a plan to be CO2 neutral in 2030, while Novo Nordisk aims to be climate-neutral in operation and transport in 2030.

in Addition, Arla, Danish Crown and Maersk plans to be CO2-neutral in 2050.

In the Parliament were there before christmas, concluded a broad political agreement to cut Denmark’s CO2 emissions by 70 percent by 2030 compared with 1990.

at the same time, an objective that Denmark is to be CO2-neutral in 2050.