Back in november, the former ‘Paradise Hotel’-babe Nadja Hansen reveal that she had been lovers with the 12 years older ‘Robinson Expedition’-participant Puriya Loco Haidariano.

She could also reveal that the two had decided to move in together in a shared apartment on Amager.

In the several months prior had Nadja has been very secretive, each time she was asked for her love life, and she just wanted to tell that she was beginning to see a cute guy.

the Reality Awards on Friday, where Nadja and Loco for the first time met up together on a red carpet, the pair could tell why their relationship had been so secretly until the beginning of november.

– We would rather find out together, before everyone else found out that we have been sown. It can quickly be a little pressure, if everyone else knows it, so will would just like to get to know each other first, explained Nadja, while Loco added:

– We would be absolutely sure that we would be together, before there were written something about our relationship.

Nadja and Loco to Reality Awards. Photo: Jonas Olufson.

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the Couple has now lived together for almost two months, and so far it goes really well.

– this is The first time I live with a girl, so it is quite cozy. I make more than her, so it’s okay, laughed Loco.

– No, you do not, exclaimed Nadja subsequently and explained that the next step in the relationship will be to get a dog or cat.

– I will have kids first, the completed Loco, however.

Whether it be child or dog first, the future show.

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