the Government is ready to go far. Even very far when it comes to punishing fremmedkrigere, who has travelled to Syria or Iraq to fight for the militant movement Islamic State.

Thursday is a major initiative has been presented, which among other things will mean that terrordømte get a ekstrastraf after the completion of the sentence. Prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) warns that fremmedkrigere is voldsparate.

– There is a real threat here at home and a real threat from the outside. Fremmedkrigere can pose a serious threat out, but also against the Danish security. Some of them, taken out to battle, is radicalised, can be brutal and is voldsparate.

– I believe that one of the most important task you have as a government, is to take care Denmark and care of the danes and to do everything to minimize the threats coming from the inside and from the outside, says Mette Frederiksen.

FACTS: the Government proposes eight actions against fremmedkrigere

Prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S), justice minister Nick Hækkerup (S) and aliens, integration, Mattias Tesfaye (S) presenting on Thursday played ‘We take care of the Denmark – 8 action against fremmedkrigere’.

Here are the eight points in the proposal:

1) Convicted fremmedkrigere shall be subject to the exclusion and kontaktforbud

– An exclusion order may mean, for example, that the offender must not reside in one or more municipalities. A kontaktforbud may mean, for example, not allowed to contact other terrordømte persons. It should reduce the risk of radicalisation.

2) the Penalty for terrorism and terrorlignende activities must be

– the Government wants to raise the strafniveauet to enlist to commit terror from about three to five years of prison for about five to seven and a half years in prison. The penalty in order to join a hostile, armed force (treason) should be increased to the double, which is to say six to ten years in prison.

3) the Government will ensure that children do not grow up in radicalised environments

– Fremmedkrigere may no longer be able to have custody of their child, have the child reside with or have contact with the child against the other parent’s desire.

– the Government will also set up a committee, as the forward from may 2020 to highlight the potential to establish rules for placement outside the home of the children and young people who are growing up in radicalised environments.

4) the Possibility of administrative deprivation of Danish citizenship

– This bill was passed 24. October 2019.

5) Children born in areas of conflict shall not automatically have the Danish nationality

– the Government tabled the bill in december.

6) the Restriction of the fremmedkrigeres access to assistance from the external action service

– the Government put forward the proposal in december. It must ensure that the fremmedkrigere not have access to help from the Danish state abroad.

7) the Government maintains and extends the scheme with pasinddragelse,the denial of the issuance of passports and the notification of the travel ban

– Forward than it should according to the government, be possible to deprive the passport in three years with the possibility of extension. The current regulations provide for the possibility to deprive the passport for one year with the possibility of extension. The bill was tabled in January.

8) the Police and the local government radikaliseringsforebyggende work to be strengthened

– the Government proposes that the relevant authorities strengthen cooperation and exchange of information to prevent people from being radicalised.

Sources: the Government’s response ‘We take care of the Denmark – 8 action against fremmedkrigere’.

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the Government themselves acknowledge that the proposal for an intervention against fremmedkrigere are far-reaching, but believes that it is necessary to beat down hard.

See also: Government will take fremmedkrigeres children but not from the camps

Among the most far-reaching proposal is a living and kontaktforbud for persons convicted of terrorism.

This means that persons who are convicted, can get a ban on movement in certain areas for up to ten years, or to be prohibited from contacting certain persons, both physically and otherwise.

the Police will, without a court order could get into these people’s homes and checking computers to ensure that kontaktforbuddet be observed.

Moreover, municipalities could place children outside of the home, if it is assessed that the children will grow up in a radicalised environment.

the Case of the critics has been described as a form of tillægsstraf, because it occurs when the convicted person has already served his sentence. It seems the government no problems, while critics call it a slippery slope.

Currently there is 34 adults persons, that is of departure from Denmark, in the conflict zone, according to the Police, the Intelligence service assessment. 21 are Danish nationals.

Since the summer 2012 departure of at least 159 persons from Denmark, which is assessed to have stayed with militant islamist groups in Syria and Iraq.

almost half of them have left the conflict zone again, while a third is supposed to have perished.

There is expected to bill for march. A part of the proposals will almost certainly be going too far for some of the parties in the red block, why the government is likely to seek its majority in the blue block.

the Government will take fremmedkrigeres children, but not from the camps. Henrik Qvortrup and Brian Weichardt assess here what it does Mette Frederiksen’s image as the ‘children’s prime minister’. Video: Stine Tidsvilde