Since the autumn, the government has tried to prevent the EU-european Commission proposes a directive on the minimum wage, since in the worst case scenario can cost the Danish model, where employers and unions negotiate pay, life.

the Fight is not over. But minister for employment Peter Hummelgaard (S) acknowledge that the documents, which are published in connection with the consultation process, not as desired.

– The negative is that it points in the direction of that we get a directive and not a recommendation, ” says Peter Hummelgaard.

the Minister was also a positive development, since he spent two days in Brussels to talk with EUROPEAN Commission and other actors in the process.

– The positive is that the EUROPEAN Commission once again confirms – almost guarantee – that it will not intervene in our collective overenskomstmodel, he says.

Therefore, it is still too early to say whether the Danish model is threatened or not. A handful of EU countries have, as Denmark model, where the social partners negotiate wages. Others – like Germany – have a statutory minimum wage.

the Minister’s concern has built on, to the EUROPEAN Court of justice in previous cases in the area has seen large on guarantees for the individual countries and interpreted for the benefit of the complainants.

– It is still my opinion and my concern. But we hear at the same time, the EU-Commission to reiterate again and again, that one seems to be able to find ways to exempt the type of collective agreements, says Hummelgaard.

At Was key organization (FH) to bring the documents from the jobkommissær Nicolas Schmit no rest.

– We have not got more peace in my belly, which does not describe anything about the instruments. Could not, therefore, a safeguard that can ensure that we can not be undermined here, says vice-president Bente Sorgenfrey.

Sorgenfrey are therefore looking forward towards march, where an updated proposal is expected after the first consultation. She believes that the pressure from Denmark yet has worked.

– What we are seeing now, is more of an analysis of the situation and some questions. It has not been properly addressed in how the model should look like, says the Sorgenfrey.

At Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening, you feel not betrygget of the latest documents from the Schmit.

– In these cases, the devil is always in the detail. I have therefore thought me to continue the close dialogue with the EU Commission. I’m not reassured, before I see the final proposal, says director Jacob Holbraad.