When Peter Robertson last year took the programme ‘Lion’s den’ on the DR with its invention SWNX, which is a fodgynge to mitigate the effects of turmoil in the body, it was with high hopes and expectations that the lions would invest in his project.

Peter Robertson, however, had to go crestfallen from the lions, as there was not a single of them, who wanted to invest in the swing.

– I’m out. You’re missing a team. And it is too easy to copy, it sounded short and cash from the judge Jesper Buch, while the other four lions followed suit.

Peter Robertson do not regret that he starred in the ‘Lion’s den’. Photo: Pr-photo

Although Peter Robertson was rejected in the ‘Lion’s den’, gave the entrepreneur who for 12 years has worked as a primary school teacher, however, far from up. In fact, it has only gone forward for him, since he starred in the program in the DR, which right now is being sent in a new season.

– My fodgynge is out in 25 percent of all primary schools in Denmark. It is something I’m really proud of. Now I’m even secondary school teacher, and I think that, of course, that the goal is to come out at 100 percent, but 25 I’m really proud of, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

Right now running a new season of ‘Lion’s den’ on the DR. Photo: Per Arnesen/DR

at the same time, he has since ‘Lion’s den’ further developed its product.

– I have landed a good agreement with the firm Gonge, which we are launching in 14 days. They are specialists in selling products to institutions and kindergartens. After I had been in the ‘Lion’s den’, they turned to me and said that they had heard that I was looking for an investment. We had a fine talk, and they returned and said that they would like to produce the version of the swing, which is targeted kindergartens, but that I then, of course, would get the royalties. It’s a really good deal, and I expect that it gets me out of the steppes, he says, and continues:

– Before I didn’t really know anything about the target audience, but I have really become more aware of this cooperation, and I have recognized that you can’t everything themselves. You need someone to be able to help himself.

Here is fodgyngen. Photo: Pr-photo

What is the SWNX?

SWNX is a fodgynge, developed by Peter Robertson, who is a school teacher and has worked as a teacher for 12 years.

Fodgyngen is created to give peace to the children or adults who are struggling with restlessness in the body. They can, for example, sit with fodgyngen under the table, while there are teaching.

– It is not a product to diagnosebørn, but children with the disorder. You don’t have a diagnosis. When there are two-three children in a class who struggles with this turmoil, so disturb the others in the class, and my thought is that this swing can help to create calm in the classroom and in teaching.

According to Peter Robertson, it goes actually well with the company, he is now also establishing itself abroad.

– In the long term, I would like to expand more, and I’m also good in time. We are looking mostly toward the nordic countries and the UNITED states, and there is really big demand, and so, I would also really like to extend to office environments, so the swing is not only to find in the public schools and institutions.

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Although he was five times ‘ no ‘ in the ‘Lion’s den’, undo Peter Robertson is not a second that he has been with the program.

– I have no regrets. I was in there for an hour, and I cooked simply so much. But I got significantly more praise than criticism, and that is why I was actually sure that I would come home with something, he says, and continues:

– But in a way it was good that I was rejected. For I have been much more clever of my customers, and it has dawned on me that the lions were not the right for me in relation to get help. I have been looking for the help of the ‘business angels’, but I really need someone who has worked with the public and children and young people and people who had networks in the direction. It had the lions not. And in a way I thought also, that now I just show them, when I then came out and stood on its own feet.

Peter Robertson gave up certainly not hope to lead its business further, although the lions said no. Photo: PR Photo

– But the ‘Lion’s den’ did, that I was more keen on my product, my figures and my pitch. Now I can pitch to anyone. If you have been around in manegen on the way, you are not afraid. I have created some attention on myself, that I am here and what I’m doing, so it is really good, he says further.

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– How goes it with the business economically?

– I’m running a quite sensible business, but I’m also very careful with what I spend my money on. I began to pay a salary to myself in this here month, but there is also all the time at great expense, as I need to keep an eye on and take care. It is hard to start a business, for it costs a lot of money.

– I don’t want to reveal how much I earn, but I have a very nice business, and I am glad that there is a great demand, and that sales are going well.

Since the ‘Lion’s den’ it has gone well with the sale of SWNX. Photo: Pr-photo