Over 170 people have been hit by a mavetarmsinfeksion after to have taken the trip past the world-renowned park Yosemite National Park in California.

It illuminates Yosemite National Park, in a press release.

at the same time, informs the national park, that there may be even more, as can be been infected with mavetarmsinfeksionen. Several of the characters have thus experienced to throw up, have diarrhea, nausea, headache, and fever.

According to Reuters visited most of the infected Yosemite National Park around the first week of January.

the Spokesman for the national park, Scott Gediman, says according to Reuters, that there had to be a norovirus, also known as norovirus in Denmark.

most of The affected persons should also have resided in the Yosemite Valley, which is a known isdal in the national park.

the Disease has been described as being a contagious mavesygdom of the u.s. center for disease control.

the Yosemite National Park has about four million visitors every year. It is known for its beautiful waterfalls and valleys with a very worth seeing nature. The park covers an area of over 3000 km2 and is located in the mountain range of the Sierra Nevada.