anti-fascist rallying cry and the music gjaldede in addition to Rigsdagsgården at the Christiansborg palace, about 100 demonstrators on Saturday against the controversial british right activist Tommy Robinson.

Organizers, who among other things spoke of Socialist Ungdomsfront and Fællesinitiativet against Racism and Discrimination, would with the demonstration to show their dissatisfaction with the Trykkefrihedsselskabets decision to award their annual Sappho award for Robinson.

Policy – 18. jan. 2020 – pm. 12:58 of the Resistance against the Danish price for ‘England’s ralph waldo emerson’

– I have no idea what he should here in Denmark. We have a law against hadprædikanter, and such a one is he. So it has nothing to with freedom of expression to make.

– on the Contrary, it is an expression of the extreme right and the fascists take the stage at the Palace, and thus comes to look more respectable, and it is really bad, said Lene Junker from Fællesinitiativet against Racism and Discrimination.

Lene Junker from Fællesinitiativet against Racism and Discrimination is one of the organizers of the demonstration. Photo: Anthon Unger

She was satisfied that it managed several organizations to come together on the rally, which took place behind the large number of police checkpoints.

the Man who was the focal point for demonstrators ‘ anger, Tommy Robinson, appeared not on the square, but the police were still strong in numbers to the present to prevent the uproar.

Approximately 30 uniformed officers concentrated on to keep the demonstrators at bay. In particular, a handful of black demonstrators, who refused to go behind the afspærringerne, got their attention.

– You should not leve me your lortesvin. Hello, I am arrested, shouted a female, member demonstrator, as she is being led away by the police.

in Addition to the female protester arrested a male protester who was angry that a man by the besøgsindgangen should have taken a picture of him.

A female protester carried away by police. Photo: Anthon Unger, A male protester is arrested when he refuses to go away from the besøgsindgang on the police call. Photo: Anthon Unger

Copenhagen Police confirm that the two arrested are still in police custody.

– the Vast majority complied with the instructions they were given, so there is not that big to notice, says vagtchef Henrik Stormer.

According to Lene Junker had the organizers nothing to do with the arrested protesters.

– We are where we should be according to the police, and make our battle cry, and hold our speeches. It is what we do. We don’t have any opinion on what all sorts of other render and make. It is clear that such a fascist like Tommy Robinson can put many things in the time and make people really angry, so they can find anything. But it is not what we want, she said.

The 37-year-old Tommy Robinson is among other things known to be one of the founders behind the English Defense League (EDL), as well as a member of the British National Party and the uk Pegida.

He has received several prison sentences for among other things violence.

He receives according to the Trykkefrihedsselskabets president of the Aia Fog Sappho award for having ‘demonstrated bravery and relentlessness in the fight for free speech’.

the Prize is awarded annually and previous recipients of the count counsel Karoly Németh and cartoonist Kurt Westergaard.

Tommy Robinson arrives for his trial in July 2019, where he was sentenced to nine månders prison. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

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the 112 – 7. jun. 2019 – at. 21:43 Here beats the ‘England City’ football fan in the ground

Facts about the Robinson

Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, but known under the pseudonym Tommy Robinson.


the Leader of the English Defence League and the Pegida UK.

Onlineaktivist and selverklæret ‘borgerjournalist’, where he confronts the islamists and the media, he believes are not doing their work properly.