The british prince Harry and the duchess Meghan will spring lose their apanage and royal titles, informs the royal family on Saturday night.

The decision is interpreted by several british media such as a hard punishment from queen Elizabeth to prince Harry and Meghan, who last week wrote on Instagram that they sought a more independent life.

– the Queen has taken his iron fist in use, says Sky News’ royal commentator Alastair Bruce, according to the AFP news agency.

make no mistake. Saturday night’s statement represents the toughest Megxit at all, sounds it in the editorial of the Daily Telegraph.

Also, the sometimes controversial tv host Piers Morgan has commented on the decision.

Intl. royal – 18. jan. 2020 – pm. 19:37 Lose titles and apanage

– Meghan and Harry will have the whole cake, but the queen took the cake back to the royal kitchen, writes Piers Morgan on Twitter.

the Extra Leaf has Sunday been in contact with Lars Hovbakke Sørensen, historian and Danish kongehusekspert and know much about the british royal family.

He does not hide that it is a very unusual situation, Harry and Meghan are now in.

– It is a very significant decision and also a historic decision. It is very unusual, depriving the former key members of the royal family so much as the title and apanage. Whether it is the queen’s decision only, or whether it is something Harry and Meghan have been in agreement with, is hard to say, too much of it, being written in the british press, based on anonymous sources, but no matter what it is, an extraordinary resolution in european history, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

Harry and Meghan in connection with their engagement. Photo: Daniel Leal Olivas/Ritzau Scanpix

Had you seen it coming with the knowledge you have about the british royal family?

I had thought that there would come a clarification. It was absolutely necessary, that you got clear lines around what was going to happen, after the pair had come with this announcement. One of the things that should be addressed, of course, was apanagen, for if you get the apanage, so expect the population to work for it, and therefore they were obliged to find a solution.

According to Lars Hovbakke Sørensen can the british pair now look forward to a completely new life where they must work for a living.

– It will be really hard for them to balance in relation to the labour market, for they will constantly be entangled in discussions about, whether they just get the job, because they are Harry and Meghan, and people might also have concerns about to hire them, he says, and continues:

– It is hard to say what they will be doing. They can get positions within the private sector, where they do not have to be a face. Meghan might also start as an actor again. But they will try other options first, I think. But it can not be excluded, that she goes back to it, for they have to make money on it one way or another.

– What do you think of the here announcement that the queen has given Meghan and Harry an iron fist?

– It is with a small subject, that I reply to the question. For we know not, who have decided it in the end. If it is the queen’s own decision, it is a very tough punishment. But it is not inconceivable that Meghan and Harry himself has been inside the decision. It is very bombastic to say that it is only the queen’s decision, assesses the kongehuseksperten.

the Pair will now live as much in north America as in the Uk, they have previously stated.

Buckingham Palace is the british monarks residence in London, would not comment on who ends up paying for Harry and Meghans security officials, when the pair loses its apanage. A question which has led to intense public debate in the british media.

on the whole, there are still some unanswered questions in the context of the decision. It is also not indicated whether the pair can take economic advantage of the royale brand.

Intl. royal – 15. jan. 2020 – pm. 13:20 Meghan in a shelter

Harry and Meghan has among other things set the british pressed heavy scrutiny and sometimes critical approach to the pair as one of the reasons that they no longer want to be a prominent part of the royal family.

As part of the agreement for the withdrawal, and Harry and Meghan also pay back money, which is passed to the renovation of the couple’s home Frogmore at Windsor. It concerns 2.4 million skatteyderpund, which is over 20 million dollars.