There is – contrary to the law against undeclared work – do not set any sign on the permanent secretary in the ministry of finance, Jens Brøchners, because that shows who is working on the cottage near the glorious beach.

It could Ekstra Bladet note, when we visited the construction site in the middle of work to build a larger terrace and an annex.

the Craftsmen, who Ekstra Bladet has spoken with, working here on departementschefens cottage in Rørvig. Photo: Anthon Unger

Jens Brøchner recognises the iniquity of the missing sign, according to Ekstra Bladet has revealed the shady dealings in the construction, which will get the trade union 3F to sound the alarm.

See also: Shady east-the company is based at wimbledon in the Tax

in Order to combat undeclared work, it is otherwise a requirement – according to the Tax – to sites on private land must have a sign where it is clearly indicated which companies, working in the square’.

This applies to both Danish and foreign companies, which need to be registered with name as well as cvr or RUT number.

Signs-the rule stems from a package of measures against undeclared work, as adopted, while Jens Brøchner has been the permanent secretary.

– Jens Brøchner, clipped you is not over, that there was not a sign on the site?

– I did not. And it is a totally clear error. It is a mistake. It, I should have been aware of. It is the contractor’s responsibility, that it will be made up. It I never gave a thought.

– So it is a breach of the rules?

– It is the contractor, who did not live up to the rules to put a sign up.

– the Package against undeclared work, with skiltekravet adopted in your time as permanent secretary. You have the knowledge that it should be there…

I completely agree that the sign should be there. It is the company’s responsibility. It is a mistake.

– It is probably also your responsibility to ensure that the company you hire, will live up to the rules you are to manage?

I completely agree. Again: I feel like I have tried to abide by the rules, there is, says the director.

the Sign with the business name to an ’increased opdagelsesrisiko’ in relation to undeclared work, and is the sign not put up it can lead to a fine.

the Package led to a major campaign by the Tax against undeclared work in the autumn of 2012. First offences of skiltereglen can give a fine on 5000 dkk. to the contractor.

Jens Brøchner is ‘superærgerlig’ over the matter and says to Ekstra Bladet that he has made a contract with a company with the name VK-Build.

the Director may not, however, live with the uncertainty about the construction of his cottage.

– in Order not to run into a situation in relationship to anything I have terminated the contract immediately, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

3F has now reviewed the case at the departementschefens cottage to the labour inspectorate.

It has not been possible to get a comment from VK-Build

See the confrontation with Jens Brøchner and read the whole interview here:

the Danish policy – 21. jan. 2020 – pm. 20:57 Skattechef revealed: I can’t live with

now Remember to ask for evidence of correct registration, when there is talk about foreign labour.

this is the sound of the council on the, if regular people want to ‘avoid the black work’.

the Director of Taxation, Jens Brøchner, asked no questions or requirements for documentation, when he met the two Lithuanian artisans in the cottage between christmas and new year.

It informs the craftsmen, en Ekstra Bladet visited them at the cottage, which the director confirms.

– He was here at christmas time, where he walked around a bit, but we talked not really with him, says one craftsman in English.

Thus acting director, contrary to what arbejdsmarkedsforsker Jens Arnholtz would have done.

– I would even as a private individual, make sure that there is a contractual wages, and that they complied with the conditions set in the legislation, with among other things, the registration, he says.