general, rasmussen, Morten Bødskov (S) must explain its own departementschefs construction on a cottage in north Zealand.

This requires the Danish people’s party group chairman, Peter Skaarup, according to Ekstra Bladet has revealed the shady dealings in the construction, which will get the trade union 3F to sound the alarm and report the matter to the labour inspectorate.

– We would like to hear skatteministerens explanation for it, because it is the ministry of Taxation, telling the danes how they must comply with the rules, and whether they even have our own house in order, says Peter Skaarup.

Therefore, will DF still a number of so-called committees-issues in fiscal affairs, since you do not believe that the permanent secretary Jens Brøchner has given a good explanation.

– It is very little flattering answers, which are given on the charges. It bears the imprint of all sorts of different excuses, says Peter Skaarup.

See also: Shady east-the company is based at wimbledon in the Tax

There is – contrary to the law against undeclared work – do not set any sign on the permanent secretary in the ministry of finance, Jens Brøchners, because that shows who is working on the cottage near the glorious beach.

It could Ekstra Bladet note, when we visited the construction site in the middle of work to build a larger terrace and an annex.

the Government’s supporting parties – Enhedslisten and SF – are not just impressed with the director Jens Brøchner.

– It looks, to put it mildly not very smart, to the top manager in the ministry of finance has difficulties to live up to the rules, which Parliament has adopted, says Rune Lund, skatteordfører in the Device list.

the Danish policy – 21. jan. 2020 – pm. 20:57 Skattechef revealed: I can’t live with

in Order to combat undeclared work, it is otherwise a requirement – according to the Tax – to sites on private land must have a sign where it is clearly indicated which companies, working in the square’.

Signs-the rule stems from a package of measures against undeclared work, as adopted, while Jens Brøchner has been the permanent secretary.

He believes that the Skatteministeriets permanent secretary has a particular responsibility to comply with the rules, because Jens Brøchner was to make them.

– It would be very strange if Jens Brøchner not known the rules, because he, for example, with the rule on a sign, even have been sitting with in the negotiations as head of department, says Rune Lund.

the Danish policy – 22. jan. 2020 – pm. 07:23 Treasures-ceo admits: Breaking the law against undeclared work due to

While lives and works of two east-craftsmen – without registration – in a cottage belonging to Skatteministeriets department, which now has terminated the contract with the company.

the Craftsmen at departementschefens cottage informs of 3F, that they do not have any employment contract.

– We also asked them how much they get in salary, and they are not fully aware of. But they do not get salary in your hand. ‘Money in the hand’, he said, says Keld Jensen from 3F.

Lithuanians: We have met the skattechef

now Remember to ask for evidence of correct registration, when there is talk about foreign labour.

this is the sound of the council on the, if regular people want to ‘avoid the black work’.

the Director of Taxation, Jens Brøchner, asked no questions or requirements for documentation, when he met the two Lithuanian artisans in the cottage between christmas and new year.

It informs the craftsmen, en Ekstra Bladet visited them at the cottage, which the director confirms.

– He was here at christmas time, where he walked around a bit, but we talked not really with him, says one craftsman in English.

Thus acting director, contrary to what arbejdsmarkedsforsker Jens Arnholtz would have done.

– I would even as a private individual, make sure that there is a contractual wages, and that they complied with the conditions set in the legislation, with among other things, the registration, he says.

At SF call the political rapporteur, Karsten Hønge, the case for ‘grotesque’.

– We all have a damn obligation to have open eyes, when we buy services. It is not acceptable just to think ’it will’, says Karsten Hønge.

Jens Brøchner explain to Ekstra Bladet, that he ‘feels’ that he has done what I could to ensure the order of things. However, he neither asked for conditions or required documentation.

– I can not understand his explanation. The director comes from an industry where you do not live to be naive, and it requires naive at a higher level, if you can’t figure out such things, tells SF’eren.

– the Road to hell is paved with bad excuses not to be awake.

Extra Magazine trying to get a comment from the general, rasmussen, Morten Bødskov.