the Molecule that changes everything.

Researchers from Cardiff University have discovered a new molecule in our cells, which can be used to kill a variety of cancers. Although the research is very new, it shows much potential.

It writes the BBC.

They have found a molecule in our immune system, which attacks cancer cells without affecting other cells. The molecule found in our t-cells. T-cells are white blood cells, which have a very important role in our immune system, they kill, namely cells, which are infected by bacteria and viruses.

You already use a treatment called CAR T, which also uses t-cells, and molecules. In CAR T take cells from the patient and modify them so they work for the individual, however, it is a very expensive therapy that only works on a few types of cancer.

the Researchers have so far only experimented with the new molecules in the laboratory. Among other things, they have done experiments on rats that had leukemi. Here, experienced researchers with great success.

– There is a chance to treat any patient (…) before no one believed that it was possible, says Professor Andrew Sewell, from Cardiff, to BBC.

the Treatment works in the same way as a CAR T treatment.

the Doctors start to take blood from the patient, then separating the t cells from the other cells.

T-cells are modified so they are easier to recognize and attack cancer cells. The modified cells are then cloned to have a large amount of them. Eventually they injected back into the patient, where they kill the cancer cells.

however, It is very early and you can’t say anything about when the new treatment can be used, it is especially important to test it through first and make sure that it is safe to use for people.

– There are plenty of obstacles to overcome, but if the next test is successful, I hope that the new treatment can be used in patients for a few years”, says Professor Andrew Sewell.

the Researchers agreed that there is still a lot of work, but they think that it is a big step especially for the fight against cancer.

– At the moment it is very basic research and did not close on the actual medicines for patients. There is no doubt that it is a very exciting discovery, both to advance our fundamental knowledge of the immune system and for the possibility of future new medications, says Daniel Davis, professor in immunology from the University of Manchester.