the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, and his american colleague, Donald Trump, has reached agreement to negotiate further in a dispute on a French taxation of u.s. teknologigiganter.

the Negotiations must continue for the year, and in that time there will not be introduced no new taxes, says a diplomatkilde in Paris on Monday.

Thus, the air is – to date – taken out of the us threat to increase tariffs on French goods such as wine and cheese.

The two presidents, who spoke together on Sunday, will give the dealers a chance to “find a solution in an international framework” and avoid “a war that will not benefit anyone,” says the source.

Macron writes Monday on Twitter that he has had a ‘good discussion’ with Trump.

– We will work together on a good agreement in order to avoid a toldoptrapning, writes the French president.

France decided in July to impose a tax on three percent of the turnover, as the major tech companies have in France. Companies often pay very little in tax in the countries where they are not physically present.

But Trump-the administration considers that the tax is unfairly targeting u.s. companies and has threatened retaliation against French goods.

France has said that the country will drop the tax again, if there is an international solution of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development).