Loyal to Familia members have lives and mutilation of the conscience, but the gang is also an association, and is brought the atrocities in that case happened to achieve the aims of the association?

In barely a year, the issue has been a focal point in the principal case on the dissolution of the gang, which was founded in the winter of 2012/2013.

Friday, the fall of justice in the Copenhagen city Court, and if the court follows the prosecution’s contention, the temporary injunction be made permanent. It stands in contrast to the LTF’s defender in the case, Michael Juul Eriksen and Stefan Jørgensen, it must again be allowed for gang members to gather themselves together wearing the gang’s black polo shirts with the distinctive logo of a bandana-clad, and armed skull.

Briefly about the lawsuit

4. september 2018 entered a straksforbud in force, there ulovliggjorde LTF-gang. It meant, among other things, that all the manifestation with the gang’s logo or initials was forbidden and could result in a trip to court.

Straksforbuddet came after the ministry of Justice and the attorney general at the end of June indicated that they will run a trial against the gang by the Danish courts in order to get it dissolved.

the Initiative came from the then minister for justice, mr Søren Pape Poulsen (C), that the year before, it announced that it would work against a LTF-ban.

over a number of years had the gang left its mark on the criminal bandemiljø with killings, shootings extortion and other serious crimes. And shortly before, the minister of justice announced forbudsplanerne, the gang’s notoriety had been a party in a violent conflict that claimed the lives of more people like that also random passers-by had been injured by the shots.

the Trial, where the ban were to be tried by a court, began 6. February of last year.

– The highest forventligt that no matter which way the judgment goes it will be appealed by either the prosecutor or defender, said Michael Juul Eriksen, the lawyer for the Loyal to Familia in forbudssagen.

There is already found dates by the high court for a possible appeal.

A picture from the gang’s heyday with El Presidente Shuaib ‘Shebi’ Khan in the middle. Photo: Private

the Case has run over 35 days in court and the public prosecutor has documented a long series of judgments, as evidence of the gang’s illegal work. Forsvarsadvokaterne think rather not, that in any of the numerous criminal proceedings brought against the LTF members, has been proven, that it is the LTF, which is behind the crime, but the individual members.

while the case has also been presented the gang’s ‘organization chart’, internal rules and receipts for money paid to detainees LTF’s.

Also 109 læderveste with the LTF logo- which the police confiscated, before the gang managed to take them in use – has been presented in court.

today is the LTF far from the uk, where the gang could muster about 250 members across nine Danish and two Swedish divisions. Yet the fear to testify against the Familia been to take and feel during the proceedings. Some witnesses have reported themselves sick, others are not surfaced and many have conditional up anonymity:

– It may be assumed that he knows to give evidence exposes himself to a significant risk of serious reprisals, said the judge, as a witness having to give evidence in court.

A LTF member is convicted of a shooting, where this Glock 26 pistol was used. Photo: Kenneth Meyer
Crime Notorious gang to its knees: Here is the LTF in the day

In spite of navneforbuddet subterfuge it with the memory of the young man with tilbagestrøget hair:

– I can not remember so much of what I was doing. It is to be three years ago.

– I Have a duty to speak to me, I can be punished, asked the young man, who for some years had been in the periphery of the gang, but never a member.

Shortly after he gave an example of why the gang was so notorious:

– We were really just and drove around on the McD and terrorized people. We were very spiteful. It may be the one that goes wrong or looking wrong, he explained about his time with related to LTF.

the Tongue was never seriously on the slid of the young man, who had difficulty to hide his reluctance to testify:

– I will not remember the part of my life. The first year it kept me awake day and night. If I keep remembering it, it will never get rid of me. It is hard to understand when you have not tried it.

– It’s my life, which is in the fucking game.

A LTF-grafitti from the summer of 2017, when the gang was very strong. Photo: Jonas Olufson
Several of the officers who gave evidence in the case has directly addressed itself to the press and said that they do not want their names forward. Others have struggled in the witness box in order to protect their sources. A cop told how the traders in the Nørrebro district had told him that they were blackmailed by the LTF, but did not dare to report it.

It was Michael Juul Eriksen to require that the constable told who had said it, but for the sake of their safety, would the officer did not disclose it. And it was the judge agree.

the Same cop told the employees in the Municipality of Copenhagen, who was so afraid of Loyal to Familia, that they would rather be on good terms with the gang than the police. As they had said to him, ‘the LTF is always there, the police go home at a time’.

Also among people from the so-called fædregruppe in Nørrebro, there was a reluctance to speak freely in court. They were invited to tell about their role in the peace talks between the LTF and the Brothas during the bloody gang-related conflict in 2017. One of them said that he then spoke with LTF-members close at the gang’s president, Shuab Khan:

– I talked with some really, really close to him, but I can’t say their names, explained the witness.

Danish and Swedish LTF members stood together at a trial by the Copenhagen city Court. Photo Kenneth Meyer
It was enough even Michael Juul Eriksen to disconnect:

– I think That must be imposed on him, so for once, get some first-hand information in the case, said the defence counsel, however, neither was successful in the claim.

-of Course, beats me to death, ” replied the witness, when the judge asked if he feared for his life.

A second from the fædregruppen told that he had moved from Nørrebro due to threats from the gangs.

None of the members of Loyal to Familia gave evidence during the proceedings. Only on the first day the gang’s notoriety had a representative present in the court. It is also questionable, on the Friday, popping up in the Copenhagen city Court to it, which can be the LTF’s official skæbnedag.