Stupid, stupider, permanent secretary.

With her head under her arm, hired the country’s top skatteembedsmand of Taxation a shady østfirma to build an annexe and a wooden deck in his summer cottage.

See also: Shady east-the company is based at wimbledon in the Tax

But a simple look at the publicly available accounts could Jens Brøchner easily have discovered, that the company VK-Build breaks with very basic good latin for the review.

the Company has indeed chosen forward not to have any auditor.

’It be set at the general assembly on 29. april 2019 to the financial statements for the 2019 does not need to be revised’, it appears from the accounts published in the month of may.

Thus the tax director chosen to be in business with a company that uses a method, which opens up for tax evasion and costs the treasury billions of dollars.

It assesses the association of Danish Auditors in 2017 was prepared a report showing that the number of companies that opt out of the auditor, is increasing explosively.

Skatteadvokat Torben Bagge from the TVC law Firm backs up and tells us to opt-out of the accountant is the obvious choice, if you want to cheat with the financial statements.

– When you do not have an accountant to verify the information in his accounts, and open it, that you, as the executive board may write exactly the information you will. Absolutely without any possibility that it will be controlled, says Torben Bagge to Ekstra Bladet.

– I know, of course not, if this is the case here. But if you want to cheat with the information contained in its records, so it is very simple, when you opt out of the use of audit.

the Danish policy – 22. jan. 2020 – pm. 14:39 the Minister is handing out big earful to the skattechef

It arouses also raised eyebrows with a know of the shady eastern european shops in Denmark, that the company just paid 1.2 million dollars in labour costs in 2018, even if you inform the authorities to have between five and nine employees. It also seems strange that håndværkervirksomheden have tangible assets, i.e. machinery, vehicles and tools – for the paltry sum of zero dollars.

En Ekstra Bladet visited the two Lithuanian craftsmen in Jens Brøchners cottage, they were running in a private older VW Passat on Lithuanian plates.

They indicated that they did not worked for VK-Build, but on the other hand, the Lithuanian company Lauvista, which do not have registered sommerhusets address in the RUT-register, as otherwise provided by law attribute. The register must counteract undeclared work, and the rules are tightened in departementschefens term of office.

– Jens Brøchner, do you not dumber than you are?

I am so frustrated over this case, and if I had known that I could get in a situation where there was uncertainty about it here, so I had of course looked a little more down in it, says the director.


It costs the state box of the Builders, which Ekstra Bladet has spoken with, working on departementschefens cottage in Rørvig. Photo: Anthon Unger

more and More companies dropping in these years revisionsbistand, because the rules in this area have been looser.

– This happens for the simple reason that the rules have been relaxed considerably in the area, explains skatteadvokat Torben Bagge.

According to a statement of the number of companies without auditor, as the Danish Auditors have been made, the trend is explosive.

the Extra Leaf has been provided with the latest available inventory, which shows that in 2008, just two percent of Danish companies – a total of 2576 – there is not made use of an accountant.

major developments

In 2018, was the figure increased to a staggering 59.751.

Thus select a total of 21 per cent. of the Danish companies in the day to drop the review or other assistance from the auditors.

And it is a great skatteproblem, believes the Danish Auditors.

– It is a problem that more and more businesses are totally opting out of the audit and the auditor. The costs for the first state billions of dollars in lost tax revenue, says ceo Charlotte Jepsen.

– second, it undermines the ordentligheden and lovlydigheden in business and society as a whole. All experience shows that companies that use an accountant, has fewer errors in the accounts, and so they are more law-abiding and pay their taxes.

A report has shown that the alarm bells would blink at 12,000 of the companies that have dropped the statutory auditor, and that many of the 25 billion. crowns, as the Tax gaps to claw at the companies in taxes and charges, could be downloaded here.