As the ‘Lion’s den’ rolled across the screen on Thursday night at DR, told Mette Neerup Mariager behind the company That’s Mine, that she had been hit by stress and had had two blood clots.

It got Jesper Buch to tell you that he also had at one time been much pressure in his career, and that he had experienced, that it had flimret in the left arm, as he drove himself too hard.

Jacob Vogl is now opening up to Ekstra Bladet about his experiences with the stress of a busy life.

– I have never gone down with stress and was on sick leave. However, I have experienced that my body has told me that I had to take a break, so it would not go wrong. It is a few years ago, and which I had then just pull the plug and take four weeks of vacation. I could feel that I just had to take care of myself. But after the holidays I was so ready again, tells 42-year-old Jacob Vogl.

Jacob has never experienced to go down with stress, as he has always taken things in the bud. Photo: DR

– You must listen to his body, and it is also a good idea to take a break from the computer and take in the gym or do some other exercise. Diet and exercise means more than you think. And the same is a good balance between work and family life, he continues and adds:

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– I must admit that I, too, have changed me over the years. As a 20-30årig I could knokle 20 hours a day without problems, but after I rounded the 40 years, I can feel that I can’t run in the same speed. It must just get used to.

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Mia Wagner has earlier told, that she has been seriously affected by the stress. Photo: Per Arnesen.

Jacob tells that over the years he has found out that there are several things that combine to form that one can experience stress in a busy everyday life.

I very much believe in, that stress occurs, if you also have problems in private life. It can be as a human being, not keep to be big in both locations. So I think it is hugely important that stressed people find out what the real reason for stress is. It may well be that it is not in fact the work, he explains.

– I generally have just gained more respect for the whole man, for man is probably not quite effective if you are not happy on the home front. I have changed the attitude and management style over the years, he continues and tells that a good way to avoid stress on the can also be to talk with a professional.

– I had a good stresscoach, Trine Holm, as I went for a long walk with. She told me how important it is to breathe for two minutes without thinking of another. Also if you are angry about something, frustrated, or similar, so help it really. It can be a good idea to speak with someone about it. A mentor, a coach or something or other, he explains.

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