Mads Bested the Lusts of the flesh was just 17 years old when he decided that he would not live more.

21. January 2009 he took his own life with lattergaspatroner.

ever since his mother, Winnie Desires Dehnhardt, clamouring about the hazards of the cartridges.

21. January 2020 – exactly 11 years after His’ death – decided all political parties except the Liberal Alliance and the New Civic to make it prohibited for persons under 18 years to buy lattergaspatroner.

in Addition, this means the agreement that it will not be possible to buy lattergaspatroner in the shops, which sold alcohol, cigarettes and e-cigarettes, and individuals may only buy a max of two lattergaspatroner at a time.

The decision is a matter of great joy with Winnie Desires Dehnhardt.

– Finally, are there acted on it. It has made so evil in me every single time, I have seen the cartridges lie and float on the street. When I have been in the drugstores, I have been so angry that you could find to sell it on a Saturday night, says Winnie Desires Dehnhardt.

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Mads Bested the Lusts of the flesh was only 17 years old. Photo: Luca Berti

On his Facebook-profile, she tells Mads’ story, and in a short time spread with lightning speed. She hopes that the story will get parents to talk with their children – even if it is now being banned for young people under the age of 18.

‘The cartridges is a crazy way to get a few seconds of rus on. There is no oxygen in, so it damages the brain, and yes you can die too! Or get permanent damage… Mads did not survive!’, she writes in the advertisement.

She knows perfectly well that just because nitrous oxide is now being banned for young people under the age of 18, then it does not mean that young people necessarily stop it. She would, however, dearly wish. She would actually wish that the cartridges came completely away from the stores.

– If the Mads’ story can help save just one young person out there from taking it, so would it be worth it to share his story, says Winnie. the

Winnie is surprised by the positive attention, her lookup got.

– It I had not counted on, and I am very overwhelmed about it. If it had not fallen along with the dates, so I think not at all, I had written something lookup. 11 years after I am still concerned the 21. January, but now I can also remember it, there was a good change the day, she says.

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Photo: Winnie Desires Dehnhardt

Amy Palmqvist is a senior physician at the Giftlinjen experiencing an increase in inquiries about the nitrous oxide. In a few years, the number of inquiries about lattergasforgiftning tripled. She is happy for the political decision to outlaw nitrous oxide, but still believe that there is room for improvement. Not least because young people over 18 can still buy laughing gas, albeit in small quantities.

– It is a very good political signal. I think, however, is still good that you can do something more. There should be more preventive work, where young people learn in schools and colleges about what nitrous oxide is and what consequences it may have, says Dorte Palmqvist.

According to the N. Palmqvist, there is no doubt, that nitrous oxide is dangerous. In the worst case can pure nitrous oxide cause death, because the lack of oxygen makes you get choked. It is especially dangerous when you have consumed alcohol and other intoxicants at the same time.

To any young associate nitrous oxide with something innocent because, according to the superintendent, to many probably have experienced to get it as a child at the dentist. But it is not the same, because lattergassen here is mixed up with oxygen and, in addition, be given by a health professional.

– If one takes the repeated inhalations of nitrous oxide, so there is a risk of acute lack of oxygen. We can see that no young people are taking up to 200 cartridges on a night out. If you have a persistent consumption, so we also see people with nerve damage with følelsesforstyrrelser in, for example, hands and feet. Some of the damage can be permanent, and it’s pretty serious, says Dorte Palmqvist.

She also refers to the website, where both young people and parents can get good advice on the nitrous oxide.

Since 2007, the Danish Health and medicines authority recorded a total of four deaths where the cause of death could directly be linked to the intake of nitrous oxide.

An australian study from 2019, has reviewed autopsies from selvmordssager from Forensic Science South Australia in the years 2003-2017. The survey shows that 3.5 percent of the suicides, which involved the use of gas, with certainty could be said to be committed with the nitrous oxide.

There is not yet a specific date on when the new ban comes into force, but the government hopes that the agreement can enter into force before the summer festivals.

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