the World’s two most powerful fodboldledere, the president of FIFA, Gianni Infantino, and UEFA’s ditto, Aleksander Ceferin, comes for seriousness in the melee in the next six years, which klubfodbolden can be revolutionized to a degree that we never have experienced before.

The two presidents are not agreed on much in this world, and certainly not about how klubfodbolden need to develop. Should it be exclusively for a party for the biggest and richest clubs, or also smaller clubs from countries like Denmark to be at the table?

recent months have been a very interesting game with Real Madrid president Florentino Perez as the driving force. And he clearly has the FIFA president on his team.

In december raised the man from Madrid, the idea of a new Champions League only for the biggest clubs. Perez looks for the two tournaments, each with 20 teams and with the up – and relegation between the two divisions.

But the case of closed tournaments, where only the 40 teams can participate, and they must at the same time breaking out of the national leagues. Fruition it means that for example Real Madrid and Barcelona no longer play in La Liga.

It is particularly teams from the big five leagues, Germany, Italy, France, Spain and England, who should occupy the seats in the two new tournaments, which will run through the entire football season. And maybe be a part of the remaining seats will be reserved for clubs outside Europe.

According to the Real Madrid president must be the new format come into force from 2024. It is reported that the participating clubs will be able to double their current income, and money requires a lot of space in the minds of today’s fodboldledere.

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It is hard to imagine La Liga without Madrid and Barcelona. Photo: Albert Gea/Reuters the news agency Ritzau Scanpix

More will have more. Today is otherwise, such that the majority of the many millions that are distributed by UEFA to the clubs in the european competitions, going to the clubs from the five main countries. The distribution is called 60 percent for the five major and 40 percent for distribution among the remaining 50 countries in Europe.

When it comes to sponsorpenge and commercial revenue is also the world’s biggest clubs, who sits on the flæsket. According to a report from UEFA are the 12 biggest clubs ‘ share of total commercial revenue in european football has grown from 22 to 39 percent during the past 10 years.

But it is not enough for types like Florentino Perez.

His proposal of the new tournaments has not been received eagerly by Aleksander Ceferin in the UEFA. The otherwise so sober slovener lit almost entirely by, when he saw the proposal from Perez.

the New York Times said Ceferin:

– I’ve read about the here crazy plan. If true, this is an extremely selfish thought, which will destroy verdensfodbolden. It applies to the players, fans and all who have related to sport. All that just to accommodate a small group of people.

Ceferins reaction must of course be seen in the light of the new tournaments in a given case will be a devastating attack on the Champions League, which is UEFA’s golden eggs. It is far from the first time that the big clubs threatening to break out and create their own league. Almost every time it ended with that they have got a bigger piece of the pie, but still under UEFA’s control.


FIFA want to play with Real Madrid

will Now also FIFA to seriously into the market for club football. So far, FIFA has only been host of the something unsuspected WORLD cup with seven participants, as Liverpool won the latest edition of the in december in Qatar.

From 2021 to get to the tournament, however, the major overhaul when it moved to China with spilletidspunkt in the summer and with the participation of 24 teams. The tournament has only grudgingly been given UEFA’s blessing, and it is still questionable whether Europe will provide the eight teams that FIFA has made room for.

Real Madrid must, however, enough to put up. Florentino Perez and Gianni Infantino is really on the same wavelength. We got a clear example of the in november, when Perez invited himself to a meeting at FIFA in Zurich. With him he had seven slipseklædte men from clubs from six different continents. In company with Infantino, the World Football Club Association, WFCA, which immediately declared warm support for Infantinos new club-the WORLD cup.

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Real Madrid’s president Florentino Perez, who here is close to Infantino, has really put the world of football on fire. For their own benefit. Photo: Mike Hewitt

At one and the same time broke Florentino Perez to the european musketered and went at the same time in the box with the Infantino. And although both the UEFA and the ECA, the association of the european clubs, where Real Madrid also is a member, has announced that the international match calendar in 2021 do not contain the opportunity to hold a club WORLD cup with 24 teams.

What also is interesting is the positive response to Florentino Perez’s proposal on the new closed tournaments have scored at FIFA’s president Infantino. When the big clubs have previously threatened to break out and create their own closed league have the answer from FIFA has been that so would the players be excluded from playing on their respective national teams.

This time the tone another.

In a communication from FIFA says Infantino:

– It is my duty as president to listen to the actors and hear about their thoughts on the most relevant aspects about the soccer ball.

It was certainly not a rejection, and Infantino gave the additional gas, when he met the press at the end of december in Doha, Qatar.

Europe is UEFA’s mission. FIFA’s mission is the world. If we can pay and generate greater revenue for the clubs, the big clubs, the 10, 12 european, or 15, or how many it now can be. Maybe 20 in the future, but also 30 other clubs around the world, so we have done something good.

The opinion aligns nicely with the thoughts, as Florentino Perez has made. There is, in other words added up to something of a brawl, when the spring first offers at the UEFA congress in Amsterdam in the beginning of march and later the FIFA congress in Addis Ababa in early June.

According to the Financial Times, the private multimilliardfond, CVC Capital Partners, is in contact with both FIFA and Real Madrid on the global klubfodbolds future.

the Game has really started. If the big clubs end up winning, being the soccer ball the big loser.

See also: Real Madrid have broken the musketered

See also: the Ballad continues: FIFA hiver Blatter and Platini in court

See also: FIFA greases for brutal China

See also: Want to change the CL: Insulting the president refuses to give up

See also: Challenge the UEFA: I am doing the new CL-model