Søren Espersen (DF) is angry. So angry, that he is part of a DR program now requires the ‘Deadline’-the host Steen Nørskov fired.

he says to Ekstra Bladet.

– How a journalistic manipulation should cost something. DR should reprimand him, get him to apologise or move him to a different editorial office, says the Danish people’s party vice-president.

the Announcement comes after a Deadline-program 18. January, which deals with the controversial debater and islamkritiker Tommy Robinson, as the same day received Trykkefrihedsselskabets ytringsfrihedspris, Sappho-the price.

The 37-year-old Tommy Robinson is among other things known to be one of the founders behind the English Defense League (EDL), a member of the British National Party and the british Pegida, and has previously been called the ‘british Rasmus Paludan’.

Robinson has received several prison sentences for among other things violence, and he received ytringsfrihedsprisen to have ‘demonstrated bravery and relentlessness in the fight for free speech’.

See also: Søren Espersen thunders: It is a genuine scandal

In the ‘Deadline’-the program player Steen Nørskov a video with Robinson for president of the Trykkefrihedsselskabet, Aia Fog, which is with in the studio.

In the video you see Tommy Robinson to seek out a journalist from the british media The Independent on its hjemmedresse. Robinson knocking hard on the door, shoot through the windows and call the journalist a ‘coward’, after which the Aia Fog is asked whether it is a worthy way for a winner to appear on’.

But Steen Nørskov says never, why is Robinson in the first place seek the man.

the Journalist from The Independent has several times written critically about Robinson, and according to the contributor while he is in cahoots with an activist, who has threatened his children in life.

The last mention of the DR, however never, and that is to manipulate with reality, believes, Søren Espersen.

– Steen shows a clip that is only a half clip. The reason for his anger is that the children are a threat to their life, and how a journalistic manipulation should cost something, says Espersen to Ekstra Bladet.

– DR should reprimand him or get him to apologize, but it does DR never. There is no doubt that they are being manipulated with. It is lavmålet of journalism and elegant made by DR, says Espersen.

– do you Think that it is up to the politicians to control who the media should employ?

– No, I do not. I call just, to the (DR, ed.) coming out of the starting blocks. If you did it and said sorry, it would arouse the respect of the people.

– Where does your boundary of what politicians may dictate in relation to the press?

– I must think what I want, and I mix me in everything I want to. I should also like to criticise the courts, if I want it. It needs no change. They must find themselves in.

– Have you heard about the arm’s length principle?

– It must be preserved.

– Then I get the urge to ask … how long is your arm compared to the arm’s length principle?

– It is skidelang. The is league. But this should not discourage me from criticising DR.

– What is the essence here, is that she (Aia Fog red.) are grossly manipulated. It is outstanding wrong. I am the politician, so I can’t fire him, but he is not suited to sit in the chair.

the news chief in DR Thomas Falbe stresses to Ekstra Bladet, that it is the DR and not the politicians who determine who is hired on what programs.

– Politicians are free to think what they will, but in this case it is on the border of the uklædelige, to be elected requires a named employee fired because you don’t like the interview.

– It is the Parliament which provides a framework for the DR, but I can say with certainty, that who is working on which programs and newsrooms, it determines the we even, says Thomas Falbe.

– Søren Espersen right in his criticism? You ought to have told the background of the clip?

– there Are errors, we and sorry, but in this case I have not been able to find the reason for it. We take it quietly.

Policy – 18. jan. 2020 – pm. 17:09 Anger of the protesters: have no idea what Robinson must here

Policy – 18. jan. 2020 – pm. 12:58 of the Resistance against the Danish price for ‘England’s ralph waldo emerson’