There is freedom of speech in Denmark.

It is the brief of the report, as prime minister, Mette Frederiksen (S) has to China, that requires an apology from the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten because of a satiretegning in the newspaper.

– I will just say that from the Danish side and from the government’s side there is only to say that we have freedom of speech in Denmark. Also to draw, says Frederiksen, according to the Politiken and Jyllands-Posten.

the Drawing shows the chinese flag marked with the coronavirus. It exists right now in China, where more than 100 have died.

– I have nothing else to say to it, than that we have a very strong tradition in Denmark, not only for freedom of expression, but also for the cartoon, and it comes we also have to have in the future.

– It is a well-known Danish position, and it comes we are not to change, ” says Frederiksen.

It is through the chinese embassy in Denmark, to China has demanded an apology for the drawing, which was brought on Monday. It comes not, JP’s editor-in-chief, Jacob Nybroe, established.

foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod (S) rejected earlier on Tuesday ahead of a meeting in the EU that relate to the case.

– As the Danish minister for foreign affairs, I would like to stress that we have freedom of speech and freedom of assembly in Denmark.

– It is not for me to discuss the cartoon or comment on this here. It is known that we have freedom of speech in Denmark, and it is also clear for the chinese.

– We have a constitutional freedom of expression. And it is important to make it clear. So, it is not for me or the government to comment on the cartoon, reiterated the foreign minister several times before the meeting.

Jeppe Kofod began to express its support for China in the context of the virus, which has affected the country heavily.

– I will start by saying that we are from the government’s side have big sympathy with the chinese people and China in relation to the deadly virus, we see.

– We see that the chinese authorities are doing everything they can to contain this virus. And we would like to thank for the collaboration of the danes, who is in China, said Kofod.

A large number of Danish politicians on Tuesday expressed that they do not believe that Jyllands-Posten should apologize for satiretegningen.