the Relationship between Amalie Szigethy and Mikkel Skelskov has been turbulent, since they were the parents of Josephine in the summer of 2016.

the Accusations subsequently flew between forældreparret. In a blog post accused the Amalie among another ex-boyfriend to take drugs – a charge he strongly denied to Ekstra Bladet and notified ‘Forsidefruer’-the participant to the police.

After the birth, the two plunged into something of a legal battle, where Amalie among other things, demanded that it should be flat by her, when Mikkel and Josephine were to see each other.

Danish well-known – 5. dec. 2018 – at. 11:54 Amalie’s ex indicted for millionsvindel: What I said

Until now, there has been put a lid on the problems between the former lovers ” and the public has not been allowed to follow pretty much in the situation. But now it seems that the turbulent period has subsided.

They are just now having fun together. It reveals realitydeltageren on Instagram.

‘the Scent is so heavenly, and I find myself in Austria with my family, and I feel happy inside. The skiing is fantastic, and a sport I feel at home in, since I love everything that has with sports to do. Yes, I am also on the water skiing in the summer,’ she wrote on Instagram, before she soon after revealed that Josephines father also is with on the trip.

‘Mommy & daddy,’ she wrote immediately after on Instagram, followed by a heart, which has got several of her followers to ask whether the two again are lovers.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from Amalie and Mikkel, but it has not been possible to get in touch with the vacationers tv celebs.

Danish well-known – 11. jan. 2018 – at. 11:06 Amalie exposed to voksenmobning: – I was only a little girl

In the ‘Room Baby’ met viewers several times Mikkel Skelskov. Photo: TV3

En Ekstra Bladet recently met Amalie Szigethy on the red carpet, to TV Price, revealed the ‘Forsidefruer’-participant, however, that her and Mike again has been a good cooperation on the daughter.

Josephine is with her father, when I need it, and how it works really well. I’m really happy for the relationship we have around the Josephine. He gets to see her when he feels like it, and otherwise if I need help. And it works really well, she told.

She also told me that it is not only as parents, that the two can once again find it with each other.

– We (Amalie and Mikkel, red.) enjoying us and laughing. He is a good father and a sweet husband. We all have our past, and life goes on, and today we have a perfectly fine relationship to each other, said Amalie.

Amalie Szigethy can before long be seen on the screen in a new season of ‘Forsidefruer’. Time will tell if the relationship with ex-boyfriend becomes a part of the season.

Danish well-known – 22. jan. 2020 – pm. 11:13 Mom says stop: – Now, it is enough: