Samples from the Statens Serum institute shows that the first dane, who on Tuesday was suspected to be infected with the corona virus, not infected.

The state board of Health.

the Man was admitted at Aarhus university Hospital in Skejby in the højisolation Tuesday, when you had a suspicion that he had coronavirus. However, it was not the case.

the Patient had come home on Sunday from Hubei province in China, where the virus originated.

– This is a man who has been in Hubei province within the last 14 days, from the time he gets sick. He arrived in Denmark on Sunday and has been downloaded by ambulance in a private home completely by the book, says Søren Brostrøm, director of the national board of Health, to Ekstra Bladet.

– the Suspicion is this evening has been dismissed by a sample from the respiratory tract, which was studied at the Statens Serum Institut, the state board of Health on Tuesday evening.

the Case does not change the fact that the risk of the spread of the virus in Denmark is low.

– We continuously follow the development, and we can see that our preparedness work, ” says enhedschef Søren Brostrøm on the website.

the Man was hospitalized in the so-called højisolation to ensure that he could not infect others.

Infection with the coronavirus arouses only suspicion, if a person has an acute, severe, lower respiratory tract infection with fever, informs the Statens Serum Institut.

at the same time, he or she must have resided in the chinese therefore, Wuhan in Hubei province 14 days before the symptoms reported, or within the last 14 days have had contact with a person who is suspected or has been demonstrated to have the infection.

health Minister Magnus Heunicke (S) call the sample good news.

– It is good news we have received from the Statens Serum Institut. Not least of the patient and his loved ones, as I send many thoughts.

– I continue to follow developments closely, and our preparedness is ready to intervene in the function, as soon as we need it, says Heunicke in a written quote.

so far, the infectious virus claimed the lives of over 100 people in China.

In Germany is four persons in all have been infected with the rapidly spreading coronavirus in Germany.