It was a mut Lenny Pihl, who at the Reality Awards earlier this month could tell that he and the girlfriend, Melina Buur, were gone from each other.

It came to pass, after he had dummet in the relationship of the absolute beginning.

– I was drunk and did something stupid, back then we had just started seeing each other, and it is so, come forward now here. I loved not Melina at the time, as I do today, and I didn’t know if we were something serious, he said to Ekstra Bladet.

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In recent times, however, he again started to post videos with Melina on Instagram, and since Extra Magazine captures the winner of the ‘Paradise Hotel’ in 2018 over the phone, he affirms, that they are beginning to be seen again.

– We are not lovers. We are just starting to be seen and talk together. She comes home to me and eat and sleep once in a while. That’s it. I don’t know what the future holds, but we do not discuss more. We see some time to pass, he says.

the Pair went from each other at christmas.

– It was both of us who needed some air. We have drawn now, he says, adding cryptically:

– We took a break, and it has been fine, for there has been much chaos around us. There are many things people do not know has happened, he says.

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Previously Lenny Pihl formed pairs with Nadja Hansen, who he met during his participation in the ‘Paradise Hotel’. The two moved together, after they came home to Denmark, but the love didn’t last.

Later found Lenny together with realitydeltageren Julie Ought known from the ‘Love Island’, which he dated for a period, but not here it was for a long relationship.